Going to the Shadow Market ;) pt.1

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Clary was being sent on a special mission to the Shadow Market in Los Angeles. Recently a fellow Shadowhunter from the New York Institute had been sent to L.A for a meeting but he had never showed. This young Shadowhunter had just finished training and only been on one mission so they were now imagining the worst. After reaching to Downworlder allies, they found out that he had been seen wandering near the Shadow Market before the meeting for Shadowhunter beginners.

Clary Fairchild had never even heard of the Shadow Market before Alec Lightwood had appointed that mission to her and Izzy Lightwood. The girls made their research and discovered a lot about this so called "market".

Apparently this was a meeting point for many Downworlders where they would buy and sell different magical objects, make suspicious bargains, and other illegal stuff.

 It is usually forbidden for Shadowhunters to enter these sort of places, but if a Shadowhunter's life was in danger they had to infringe this particular Law. 

Of course the two of them would try to disguise themselves as mundanes with the Sight or anything that didn't scream "Shadowhunters" but that wasn't always an idea that worked perfectly.

The plan was to go there, snoop around, gather information about a missing Shadowhunter and hopefully not cause any chaos...

The two Shadowhunters prepared their weapons, and dressed up in "mundane" clothes. Izzy met up with Clary outside the institute where she was already making a portal.

"You ready for an adventure?" said Izzy walking down the steps.

"There won't be that much action if everything goes as planned." responded Clary while finishing the rune that turned into a glimmering portal right in front of her.

"Oh Clary, you know it won't go as planned, it never does." she exclaimed grabbing her best friend's hand and stepping into the portal.


The two girls arrived in front of an alley. From there you could see the lights of shopping tents and hear the enchanting voices of the fairies, the laughters of werewolf gangs and the clinging glasses of drunk warlocks. Only if you had the Sight, of course.

They wanted to go through but sadly someone was blocking their way. A tall man with blue skin and long, flowing red hair. 

"Hello mister, may my friend and I here pass through to your great Market." Isabelle said, putting her arm around Clary's shoulders and giving the man a radiant smile that normally would have made him fall to his knees. 

But that warlock didn't budge. He gave them a suspicious look and only said: "Password."

"Oh come on, we've heard so much about this place! We are mere mortals we only want some fun... we won't tell anyone. Please?" Clary said trying to play the nice card.

The man rolled his eyes in a way that made Clary and Izzy understand that he had already heard all that crap already.

The black haired girl took off her blue leather jacket that she was wearing and said: "Well, we tried to stay friendly but you're not giving us much of a choice."

She looked at Clary and well... let's just say that the next morning this guy was found attached and thrown into a nearby dumpster with a stain of red lipstick on his cheek.

After that first stunt, they entered the alley and finally reached the famous "Shadow Market." 

The lanterns floating above their heads shone in shades of reds, oranges and yellows. The smells of potions and spices filled the air and the voices of singing fairies rang in their ears.

"If it weren't forbidden for us to be here I think I would actually like that place." Clary said mesmerized by her surroundings. 

"Yeah well I don't think it's that joyful all the time, at least that's what Magnus told me."

"I guess we better hurry then, we should take the advantage that everyone is in a good mood."

The duo started walking and wandering around looking for the face of one of their own and sometimes daring to ask a question or two to a random passerby.

People would either respond quickly or shrug them off, so they couldn't really gather much. The only time they got valuables leads they had to buy something or take part in a special "séances". Which they refused without a doubt.

After speaking to a werewolf that was getting way too close for comfort, Izzy went to the next booth where Clary had just finish talking to a forest nymph that was trying to sell her a "love potion", apparently it was the best in the entire Downworld.

"So did you get any info?" the red-head asked.

"Actually, yes. There was a rumour going on about a certain vampire named DeVoe that was bragging that he had kidnapped a Shadowhunter that was on a mission for the New York institute."

"Well that looks like our guy. Now all we have to do is find him..." Clary said looking around and trying to spot any suspicious looking vampire, which was hard because every vampire here looked like if they had just murdered someone.

Suddenly she felt Izzy's hand on her shoulder and turned around to see what she was looking at. She didn't have too look far because less than ten meters away from them was a vampire dragging a frightened looking teen behind one of the shopping tents. 

The young boy was definitely a Shadowhunter, his Voyance Rune easily visible on his right hand.

The girls looked at each other and without having to say a word began running in that direction.


I don't know how many parts to this there will be but I hope you enjoy it! For those of you who haven't read the books (which you should) the Shadow Market is not something I invented, it's really in Cassie Clare's novels! I finished Queen Of Air And Darkness so I got really inspired to write about that place a little. Of cause the details aren't like in her books. For the timeline, well it's completely unrelated from anything in the Shadowhunter chronicles. If things are the same, they are because a lot is inspired, but usually it'll differ A LOT.

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