Glitter-Bomb Jace

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Jace had spent the night at Magnus'. Him and Alec had just finished their mission late the night before so when Alec got a portal to Magnus' he decided to jump in with him and crash there for the night.

It wasn't the first time that he slept there so the guest bedroom was practically his second home. But he knew not to spend more than one or two nights in a row there because if he extended his stay weird things started to happen like waking up to a snake in his bed or to a wild tiger in the bathroom which he supposed weren't brought there by accident. (*cough, cough, Magnus)

When they passed the portal and arrived in the living room all the lights were off in the apartment. The parabatai's said goodnight to each other in a low whisper and parted ways. Alec joined Magnus in their bedroom and Jace went in the corridor and went into the guest bedroom he usually used.

He undressed and entered the shower. He was so tired that it was like if he was a robot. His eyes were half closed and he just picked up a random body wash/shampoo that was on the shelf and washed off all the demon ichor in his hair and on his skin.

He got out of the shower, dried himself quickly and put on a pyjama that he had left here a few weeks ago. Jace then went off to bed, hair still damp.


The next morning he woke up to the fresh scent of bacon and pancakes. Another reason why he liked spending time at Magnus' loft; freshly cooked breakfast.

He got up, stretched himself and noticed a few spots of glitter on his hand. He tried to rub it off but it couldn't come off. He thought maybe he just rubbed his hand on something of Magnus' last night when he made his way to his bedroom, to be fair it was her to leave the warlock's house without having a speck of glitter on you.

He made his way to the kitchen to grab himself she breakfast and saw the note on the counter, next to the pancakes that said: Had to leave quickly this morning to go see Catarina, made breakfast. Love, Magnus.

Jace grabbed himself a plate and a good portion of bacon and made his way to the dining room.

He knew Alec was already awake so even before he entered he said out loud jokingly: "I love it when Magnus makes me little notes like that."

He heard Alec chuckle, but when he entered the door frame he got another different reaction he wasn't expecting.

His parabatai's eyes widened and he practically chocked on whatever piece of food he was eating.

"Jace, by any means, did you shower last night?"

"Of course I did, is it my beautiful blond locks that gave it away?" he said with a smirk while sitting down.

" it's more the fact that you have glitter all over your face, hair, neck, and I don't even want to imagine where else."

Sensing that Alec wasn't joking, Jace got up and ran to the washroom next to his bedroom. He looked in the mirror and saw that Alec wasn't exaggerating. Glitter was everywhere on his skin, it basically made him look like that crazy vampire that glittered in the sun in the movie that Clary made him watch the other day.

He opened the shower curtain and took the bottle of product he had used. It looked exactly like another shampoo and body wash except on the label it was written:


"24 hours! I can't have that on me all day! I have to go to the Institute!"

Alec had followed him and when he noticed the bottle he knew his friend was in big trouble. That was the new "experiment" his boyfriend had created and he knew that, that was a piece of work to take off even after a day. The only way it had gone off go Magnus effectively was with one of his spell.

"You can try all day but it won't come off I'm telling you. You'll have to wait until Magnus comes back this afternoon." Alec said looking at Jace that was trying to rub it off with some soap.

"But I CAN'T wait until this afternoon! I have to do a bunch of work to do and calling in sick isn't an option!!!" Jace said frustrated.

"I don't know what to tell you... I'll call Magnus and tell him to come at the Institute as soon as he's available." he responded and left the bathroom to go make the call.


Jace was on the Institute's doorstep and had a hand on the doorknob. He had long pants and a leather jacket so most of his members were covered but his face, hair and hands were still exposed, plus it was the middle of the summer so wearing a leather jacket seemed even weirder.

He only hoped that Simon wouldn't be there because he could bet 100 dollars that he was going to tease him.

The Shadowhunter entered the Institute and walked fast as he could to Alec's office, in which he hoped he would be able to finish all the work he had in peace.

But of course, when he was about to reach the door to the office, someone arrived beside him and said: "Hey Edward, fancy meeting you here!"

He turned around and there was his favourite Daylighter...Simon Lewis. With a phone in his hand recording him.

"Back off Lewis, my... look.. today is none of your business."

Then he heard another voice coming around the corner: "Simon, why are you filming Jace?"

She then got her answer when she saw him standing in the hallway, looking as if he had fallen in Magnus' makeup.

She couldn't help herself and started laughing. Tears of laughter were falling down her cheeks and she just couldn't stop it.

Simon started laughing and then Izzy who had just arrived too was holding her stomach and laughing too.

At first Jace was angry, he was being laughed at! Him! Jace freaking Herondale! But he caught a quick glance of himself in one of the reflections in the windows and bursted laughing too.

He even took off his leather jacket to show everyone his glittered arms.


The day went by quite fast and not as embarrassing as he thought it would have been. Simon did call him "Edward" and "Vampire" many times but he knew it didn't even add up to the times Jace had call him that.

During the evening Magnus portaged in Alec's office and after a quick spell he was back to normal.

Before leaving the office he turned around and said:

"I am NEVER spending the night at your place again!"

The door closed shut and Magnus and Alec looked at each other with a smile and high-fived.


Wow, 1149 words! And also 1.2k reads! Hope you liked this story, it was inspired by the head-canon at the top!

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