Soulmate AU: Seeing Colours

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I didn't invent this concept but to explain it briefly, in this world everyone has their soulmate. Ever since you were born you see the world in black and white, but when you meet your soulmate you finally see the world in colours. This one is about Malec.

At his age, people had already found their soulmate. Usually it's because young adults search for their partners most of their childhood, every chance they would get to meet new people they would do it... but Alec didn't. It's not that he was antisocial, it's just that parties and Soulmate Conventions (yes that did exist) weren't really his thing.

He used to think that his soulmate would probably never find him because he was always clustered up at home or doing a bunch of paperwork at his job. But he didn't really care anymore, especially because he was more and more anxious that he would have to come out to his family if he ever met his soulmate which he was pretty sure was a guy.

Jace finally persuaded him to go to this party tonight. It's supposed to be the biggest party of the year and it's hosted by Magnus Bane, the most popular guy in town. That's were his friend had met his soulmate, Clary. Ever since he met her and had finally been able to see colours he was constantly saying how awesome it was.

While they were getting prepared Jace told Alec:

"So... aren't you excited to meet your soulmate, maybe she's super popular and rich." he said while combing his hair.

"Umm...Jace I have something to tell you, I don't know if I'll meet my soulmate tonight but if I do, I just want to let you know that there's more chance that it's a rich dude that rich girl." Alec responded anxiously not looking into Jace's eyes.

"Oh, well I'm fine with that, but you clearly won't find anyone, dressed like that, he said pointing Alec's shirt.

He continued by saying : "I never seem to understand that even though I can see colours you are ALWAYS wearing black, grey, never anything slightly colourful."

"What's the point if I can't see it anyways." he said letting out a breath knowing that Jace didn't make a big deal of his coming out.

The two friends went to the party and met up with Clary and Isabelle.

Jace gave Clary a kiss and put a hand around her shoulders. The boys asked the girls how the party was.

"Oh it's great! There are a bunch of people and the music is great, the purple and blue lights, the drinks..." Izzy said but got caught off by Alec that put his hand up in the air.

"Wait, wait, wait, how do you know that the lights are blue and purple? Have you found your soulmate?" There was a silence and suddenly Clary blurted out: "She did. but she didn't want to tell you because she didn't want you to feel left out because you haven't found yours yet."

All that was said very quickly and before Izzy could respond an apology Alec said:

"It's fine Iz, I know you wanted to be nice. But really I am so glad that you found your soulmate! You'll have to present him to me soon."

After the slight tension had been sorted out, the group of friends headed inside.

Isabelle had been right. The party was amazing. Even without colours Alec could feel the ambiance of the room and hear the loud music blasting through the speakers. He hadn't been to many parties, but he did feel like this one could be quite enjoyable.


It had been two hours since Alec had arrived and no sign of colours had appeared in his sight. And it's not like he had been hiding in a corner of the room all that time, he had talked with a bunch of nice people but none of them were his soulmate.

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