Izzy's surprise birthday party!

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Isabelle's birthday was in May which means that snow was pretty much all gone but the sky was practically always gray and cloudy. Izzy didn't think that this year her birthday would be that exceptional.

That morning she woke up with a breakfast in bed, which was pretty much a tradition that Jace did for her every year (yes he is a decent cook).

Literally 2 minutes after, Clary bursted in her room and screamed:

-Happy birthday Iz!

-Thanks Clary, she replied

-So... anything special planned because I thought that maybe we could have a girls day and prepare for an epic night out at the Pandemonium tonight! But if you don't want it's fine you know...

-Of course I want Clary! This is going to be the best day ever! Izzy said smiling.

They got dressed and before they left the Institute, Isabelle bumped into Alec.
-What are you doing here this early big bro, didn't you sleep at Magnus'?

-Yeah but I had to do some stuff...like important things you know... but today's not about me, happy birthday Izzy!

-Okay you're totally not suspicious but thank you. 😂

As she hugged her brother and looked at him with a « I know you're hiding something from me face», she left the Institute with Clary to go to the mall.

Shopping, spa, pedicures and manicures done, they were all glammed up for what was happening tonight.

They changed in gorgeous party outfits and when Clary and Izzy arrived at the Pandemonium, there wasn't any sound or any lights on, which was very suspicious...

Suddenly the lights turned on and everyone came out of hiding and screamed « SURPRISE!!! »

Isabelle immediately recognized Alec, Jace, Simon, Magnus and other of her friends like Meliorn, Maia and Raphael.

She turned around to see Clary's face smiling and saying « yeah I knew.»

Izzy and Clary joined the others and Jace told Iz that Magnus (who owned the Pandemonium) had arranged everything with the help of Alec. But the warlock replied quickly that it was Simon that approached him with the idea. Isabelle looked at Simon and gave him a big hug. « No one has ever done something like that for my birthday, thank you so much. »

After the many thanks given they all started to dance and have fun. Even Alec who isn't a big partier was pushed on the dance floor and with the encouragement of Izzy and Magnus he tried to pull off some dance moves.

Isabelle will always remember that birthday and she knew that all the ones to come would be that extraordinary too.
Thank you for reading! My stories aren't perfect but I am trying as hard as I can! Dropped a little of Sizzy in there! Clace will come I assure you!

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