Pregnant Surprise

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She was pregnant. For months that was what she wanted and now it had finally become true. 

There she was, Clary Fairchild, in the bathroom of the Institute with a positive pregnancy test in her hands.

"So, is it positive?" Izzy asked from the other side of the door.

Clary opened the door and simply said: "yes" with a big smile plastered on her face. 

Izzy's eyes widened and she jumped into her arms."By the Angel Clary!!!!! You're pregnant can you imagine that!!" she said in a loud whisper.

I have to go tell Jace right now! I think he's in the training room with Alec."

Isabelle and Clary were walking side by side in the corridors of the Institute on their way to the training room that was a the completely opposite side from the sleeping quarters.

On their way there Izzy was talking excitedly about a baby shower, things she wanted to buy for the baby and a bunch of other things that Clary wasn't listening to because all she could think about was the reaction was going to have. 

She knew he was going to be happy because they had talked about their future with kids and they were both reaching the thirties so they were ready to raise a kid. 

But she still had that slight hesitation in the back of her mind that maybe, just maybe, he wouldn't be completely as excited as she was because he had always loved being a Shadowhunter and doing his duty, but with a kid their life was going to change a lot of things.

When she finally got out of her thoughts, she realized that they had arrived at the door of the training room. She could hear the voices of Jace and Alec echoing in the room in front of her and the stress started to build up again.

Izzy. realizing that her friend had started tensing, placed a hand on her shoulder and said: "It will be just fine, don't worry. I know Jace and he is going to be so so happy."

Clary took a deep breath, gave a quick smile in Izzy's direction and opened the large door to the training room, where she was going to announce the biggest news of her life.

Hearing the door creak opened made the boys stop what they were doing and turn around. Alec had been showing Jace how to use the bow and arrow properly but seeing the number of arrows imbedded in the wall, showed that he hadn't really mastered that skill yet.

Seeing his girlfriend enter the roommate Jace smile and he quickly hurried over to her and gave her a kiss. Knowing Clary very well he could see that something was going on and awful scenarios started popping into his head. Jace had always been good to hide when he was worried about something but with Clary it was a whole other situation.

What was even stranger was the fact that on the other side there was Izzy that looked incredibly happy and didn't really match Clary's expression.

Before Jace could ask Clary what was going on Izzy practically shouted:"Clary here has some big news!"

Immediatly Alec was intrigued and came closer to the others. 

Now was the moment Clary thought. She grabbed the pregnancy test in the back pocket of her jeans and looked Jace in the eyes and said: "I'm pregnant."

For a fraction of second Clary thought everything was going to backfire because the expression on Jace's face was still serious but as she was going to say something she saw the big smile appear on his face and immediately felt his arms around her body.

He was going to be a father. He never thought he would get the chance to raise a kid before meeting Clary and now he was going to. He took her in his arms and spinner her around in excitement. He barrelled her with question and without exaggeration, no one had ever seen him this excited.

Alec who was shocked too, congratulated Clary and he was very happy too because he had always liked children and was happy to be an uncle.

Everyone started talking about future plans, and even baby names when Clary said: "I think our baby is going to every fortunate to have a family like this."

"Yeah 'cause you know we'll spoil him!" Izzy said laughing.

"No he won't"

"Yes he will Clary, if you don't think so you clearly haven't met Magnus. When he's going to learn that he's an uncle..." Alec said with a smirk on his lips. 

He walked away to call Magnus and Izzy followed him to go call Simon so he can come here and Clary can tell him the news herself.

Jace and Clary were left alone in the training room. They didn't talk for awhile and just stood there in each others arms smiling. Pure happiness filled their heart and the rest of their day. This was a new journey that they were going to battle through it together, like they always did.


Thanks guy for 1.1k reads! I can't believe it! None of my friends know that I'm doing this and I just want to tell them so badly but I think they just won't understand and think it's weird... well on a happy note I am planning to start a book on wattpad. I don,t know what it will be about yet but when I'll have time I will start a draft!!! 

Continue reading and commenting my one shots thx!!!!

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