Date Night

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Jace and Clary were walking in the streets of Brooklyn after a date. The moon was shining in the sky and the weather was just cold enough to wear a sweater. 

Jace had given his leather jacket to Clary and had an arm around her shoulders. They were almost arrived at their apartment when suddenly Clary noticed the shadow of a strange man that was following them. 

At first she though he was just one of the many person that walk in the city of New York in the evening but he had been following the same path as them for many streets. 

Clary just felt stupid. The fact of being scared of a possible mundane robber on the streets when she had fought tons of way worst and scarier enemies.

Jace had noticed that his girlfriend had gone silent. He could tell by the look on her face that she was anxious. 

Quietly he hears her whisper to him: "There's a guy following us I think."

The blond boy glanced quickly behind him and realized that this guy had been following them for a long. With his Shadowhunters instincts he had noticed someone lurking behind but it didn't seem like much of a threat. He was after all Jace Herondale-Lightwood-Wayland (whatever you want to call him).

"Don't worry Clary, if he lays a hand on either one of us he'll regret it soon enough"

"I know but I've been robbed before and these guys just freak me out. The fact that they can know where we live now." she whispered to him quickening her pace and feeling the panic invading her.

An idea formed in Jace's mind to scare off the robber. Seeing Clary panic like that wasn't how he wanted their date to end.

"YOU KNOW THE KNIFE I JUST BOUGHT TONIGHT?" Jace said talking louder so the robber could hear him. He looked at Clary expectantly hoping she would catch on.

"Uhhh, YEAH! I REMEMBER, IT WAS LIKE...VERY SHARP...BE CAREFUL... YOU COULD REALLY HURT SOMEONE WITH IT." Clary said understanding the plan her boyfriend had. It could either be very stupid or pretty clever.

They continued this improvised conversation for a little bit until the lurker finally caught the bait and spinned around and began to run. It was probably the way Jace was beginning to slow down to wait for the robber to catch up that made him turn back from his future robbery.

When the stranger got out of sight they both started laughing. Clary grabbed Jace's hand and said: "thanks."

"That was nothing. I'm used to saving you." 

"Oh shut up!" she said smiling and gently pushing Jace with her side.

"Did you have a good date night?"

"Yes, it was great. You are great." She said that and stopped walking. She turned around to face him and gently kissed him on the lips. 

They made their way  back to their apartment, hand in hand. Not knowing that the "robber" might have been a mundane but his master was certainly not and now he knew exactly where they lived.


Hope you enjoyed!!!!! I didn't know how to call it but that title has to do! ;)

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