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Alec, Jace and Simon were having a boys night. Usually they would go at Hunter's Moon but tonight Simon proposed to stay in and watch movies.

The others had agreed surprisingly. The truth is that they had had a big day and hadn't even wanted to go to the bar in the first place.

When Alec and Jace arrived at Simon's apartment the lights were dimmed down and there were 3 giant bowls of popcorn on the coffee table.

"Were already starting the movie?" said Jace approaching Simon that was putting the CD into the CD player.

"Yes 'cause it isn't movie singular it's actually moviessss." he responded grabbing the remote control and installing himself on the couch.

"What the heck are you making us watch Simon? Tell me it isn't Star Wars." said Alec slowly regretting not staying at home with Magnus.

"Oh come on! No it is not Star Wars but I am still hoping you guys will want to watch it one day because you're missing out."

"Okay so what is it Lewis?" Jace said sitting down on the couch too and grabbing a bowl of popcorn.

"It's, drumroll please,...... Avengers!!! Well more precisely the MCU movies but I bet you don't even know what that means so let's just go with Avengers." Simon said with a big smile on his face. He was obviously a very big fan.

"I think Clary might have mentioned this once. Are those the movies about superhero and stuff like that?" Jace said.

"Oh it is so much more than that! It's action, romance, different storylines and characters crossing paths and..."

"Okay okay you don't need to explain the whole thing, let's just watch it. How many movies are there actually?" Alec said a little annoyed. He sat down next to Jace and grabbed his bowl of popcorn too.

"Around nineteen or twenty but of course were not going to watch them all tonight. We'll start with the first one and if you guys like them, which you will, we can plan more movie nights."

Nobody answered. They looked at him like he was crazy, the parabatai's looked at each other and had a silent discussion that went like:

"If the first movie is crap were leaving?"

"Totally. A movie marathon? Does he really think we'll actually like these stupid films?" 

They got comfortable on the couch and began the first movie "Iron Man". 

When it finished the guys had thought it was okay, but Simon convinced them to watch the next one because "Iron Man" was, in his opinion the weakest movie out of all of them.

They then watched "The Incredible Hulk", "Iron Man 2" and when Simon was about to close the TV because he thought the night was over, his two friends held him down so he could put the next one.

After that night, Simon wasn't the only Avengers fanboy in the gang.

A couple of times a week, the boys would get together and watch another one, and then another one, and then another one until their girlfriend/boyfriend would tell them to come back home.

(Simon' favourite MCU superhero was Spider-Man, Jace preferred Thor and Alec really liked Captain America .)

Finally came the time for Simon to make the guys watch Avengers: Infinity War.

*if you haven't watch this movie, there will be spoilers about the ending.

He had prepared boxes of tissues (mostly for him), and was starting to regret him introducing these movies to the two Shadowhunters because now they were so into it and would probably be angry at that ending... nahhh  he was probably overthinking this...

The boys arrived, got on the couch and the movie started.

During the whole movie they were saying that this was their favourite one and Simon would just answer with nervous smile, and thinking "just wait for it".

Clary, Simon and Magnus  were coming back from the restaurant and decide to go meet up the boys at Simon's apartment. When they got close to the doors they heard loud voices saying: 




Clary started laughing and looked at the confused faces of Izzy and Magnus. She simply said:

"I think they've reached the ending."

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