Vacation Time! Pt.1

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Being the best Shadowhunters in New York has it's perks but it also has it's inconvenience, such as not having a single break or vacation. It was also especially hard for Alec Lightwood, the head of the NY Institute because his position was very important. One day, during a training session with her brother, Izzy proposed an exciting idea:

-I know you are like super busy, but summer is approaching and we haven't been on a vacation for so long. Maybe we could take a small, tiny, well deserved...

-No! We can't go on vacation Iz. It's not like I don't want to, but like you said I am busy, you are busy... we all are. It's just not the right time to go relax on a beach somewhere.

-Big Bro! Come on! It's never going to be the right time! And we deserve it.  We have done so much this year. We could invite Clary, Jace, Simon and Magnus too!

She said his name winking and smiling.

-Magnus is the High Warlock of Brooklyn he is extremely packed in work he probably couldn't come anyways.

-I already called him an he said he could make space in his calendar and that he would love to come, but only if you came too!

Alec blushed slightly and rolled his eyes:

-I'll talk with mom and dad, see if they can come and take my place for a couple of days. But don't get too excited I don't know if they will approve.

He didn't have the chance to finish his sentence that Izzy was out of the training room and announcing the news to Jace and Clary.

They both were super excited and immediately went in their rooms to pack their bags.

Isabelle then called Simon who was too very happy because he actually had a lot of time on his hand (Raphael had kept giving him boring assignments lately.)

On his side, Alec had gotten the permission to go away for a while, during this time Lydia Branwell would be in charge of the Institute.

They all had planned to meet at the Institute the next morning so that Magnus could portal them all to a secret destination.

At 8:00 o'clock sharp everyone was at the Institute with their bags ready. Everyone had a regular suitcase except for Izzy and Magnus who had practically brought all of their closets.

-You guys know we are only gone for one week right? said Clary.

-Well yeah but you never know if you will have to suddenly go to a fancy gala or fight a demon out of nowhere, Izzy replied while looking at her two suitcases that looked like they were about to burst open.

Magnus agreed with Isabelle and said that he only brought a small part of his closet and that even though he could magic them straight there it was an unnecessary use of  his powers.

Everyone started laughing and they all knew that this vacation would be a blast. But there was one thing that was pretty important and that they hadn't planned yet; Where were they going to go? With Magnus' portal they could go pretty much anywhere because he had travelled a lot during is life.

Simon finally asked him; "So, were are you taking us Magnus?"

The warlock looked at him with a quirky smile and said with a gesture of hand that made a portal appear:

-You shall wait and see...

They all held each other in someway to make sure they wouldn't get stuck in limbo and then stepped into the portal to which they hoped would be the ultimate vacation location.
Where do you think they are going?
Thanks for reading! Part two coming soon!

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