you two go to the park...

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Things turned into a disaster (being overdramatic). it rained of course but it didn't stop your plans. you both danced in the rain and played around. you both got a cold, which caused you to stay home feeding each other soup and cuddle.

you guys brought tons of food. you fed each other and took millions of pictures and cute snaps.

Did cartwheels, handstands, flips. acting like a bunch of little kids at recess. it's like the park is your second home. (if your not a nature person, that fine. But it's okay to get out the house every once in a while)

Made dance videos and met some of the fans. you even saw babies and talked to them in their language (...which is gibberish) also noticed that Nick would make a good father

When you go, you take Kobe with you. into a dog park (what's better than being at a dog park??) you both loved dogs, so you would chase them or they'd chase you

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