he invited you to sleep over ♡

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You took a nap over Brandon's house only for a couple of hours until you had to go home. You noticed he was sleep too. With no shirt on. Your heart began to beat rapidly and you grew nervous. You haven't seen him like this before so it was new for you. You noticed it was past 10 and you wanted to leave. Getting up slowly you're still in the same clothes, so you know that Brandon hasn't touched you at all. "(Y/n)?" He calls you. "I'm right her Brandon." You touch his hand. "What time is it?"
"It's after ten o'clock. I have to go."
"Why don't you spend the night? It's too late to be driving."
"I'll be fine."
"No. Please don't leave." He begged. His messy hair was in his face. "You can wear my hoodie and I have some sweat pants. I know I have an extra unused toothbrush, somewhere." You giggle. "Okay." You brush back his hair. "I'll stay."

"Can you spend the night?" He asks.
"Definitely not." You answer quickly.
"Come on it will be fun."
"What's going to be fun about me sleeping."
"We can eat whatever we want. Do whatever we want." You looked at him. "Not like that. You know. Like cuddle, or something."
"Eddy. We've only been dating for a couple of months now and you're ready for me to sleep over."
"Yeah since I'm comfortable with you now. I wanna see how this could work if we took it to the next level."
"What if it messes us up?"
"I promise it won't."

"We can play Fortnight all night." Austin says.
"But isn't that our thing?" Zion interrupted.
"Yeah. And I don't want to get in the way of that." You exited.
"It is our thing Zion. But I'm trying to make her spend the night. And you're not helping."
"Sorry dude. Why don't you spend the night, (y/n) it would be fun. The three of us." Zion pleads.
"I have things to do."
"And what is that?"
"Sleep. Maybe the reason why I don't want to stay is because you guys do a lot at night. Bring people over and have parties. Meanwhile I have a job and need to get rest."
"Okay we won't invite anyone. Just me and you..." he walks slowly up to you. "upstairs....." he trails his fingers down your arm and onto your hip. "Sleep."
"You promise?"
"Pinky promise."

You were coming from a party with the boys and it was finally time to leave. "(Y/n) don't leave yet."
"I have to Nick. It's getting late."
"Why don't you stay over. And then we can get food in the morning."
"You know the old me would have been like okay, I'll stay as long as there's food but I don't know now."
"You think I'm going to do something to you?"
You grew silent. "(Y/n) I will never hurt you. I just want to take care of you."
You stuttered, "okay."

"Why don't you spend the night." Zion wraps his arms around you.
"Why, what are you thinking about?"
"I just don't want you to leave yet. I enjoy your company."
"Are you expecting me to do –."
"No! Not at all. I'm not that kind of guy to take you to my place and send you packing. I just want to cuddle." You eye him hoping you weren't about to fall into a trap. "Fine."
"Great! We can cuddle and watch The Walking Dead."
"I like that plan."

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