you see him cry for the first time...

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you were far away from him because you missed you family but the more you were away the more he wanted you to come back. He would face time you whenever he got the chance. He'll stop what he's doing to see your face. FaceTiming you one day his eyes were blood shot read. "zi, why are you crying?" you asked. "(y/n) I miss you. Come back home." "I know hun, I'll be back next week." A tear dropped from his eye onto his cheek. "That's too long. I wanna touch you, kiss you, hug you. I wanna see you when I wake up." "As do I. I really miss you. Stop crying okay. I love you so much and I'll see you soon." You blow him a kiss.

It was during a sad movie. You didn't know Edwin was sentimental like that so you found it freakishly cute. He was sniffing and having his tears go into the popcorn. "Eddy are you crying?" You ask. "No." He sniffs. "I think I rubbed my eyes when butter was on them." You laughed. "Aww my poo bear crying." You frowned. You wiped his tear away and kissed his cheek.

He was crying because he was homesick. you could tell because he would start to compare things to his hometown. You walked into y'alls room only to see Austin crying holding a pillow. "Austin are you okay?" "No. You know how you wanna go back to where you were before because your not used to this new thing." You took time to understand what he said but you nodded you head. "You're homesick puddin?" "I know I'm not supposed to cry because I need to toughen up —." "No baby that's not the case. You can be homesick whenever. I'm homesick too. But it's okay because you can always go back home and this is your home as well."

He was crying because he didn't think he was good enough. He always made himself live up to the expectations of everyone else. He thought he had to change his ways so things could be better for him. "Nick please don't think that way. You don't need to prove anything to anyone. You are great. You're amazing. You're unique. And if others can't see it, then their blind. I love you. We love you. Don't ever bring yourself down so you can make others happy. I'm here for you babe."

He was going on about how he couldn't do anything right. Beating himself up left and right. Everyone went to you to ask what was wrong with Brandon because he didn't want to talk to the other guys. "(Y/n) what's wrong with Brandon?" Is what you would hear all day. "you have to go figure it out." Zion pointed. I've tried." "Well try harder!" Edwin yelled. Your eyes widened. Austin and Zion rubbed his back. "I'm sorry. Prettymuch is great when there are five of us. Now there's only four."

Brandon would rant to you telling you how he doesn't think he can be in the band anymore because he's been hiding behind a smile. He told you he was going into depression and you soon cried with him. You were there with him every step of the way to keep his head up. It's been a rough ride but he eventually made it.

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