he tweets a picture of you...

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what am I going to do without you (@y/insta/n). you make me feel like I'm the only man on earth. you know how to hold me down. your my cuddle buddy my best friend. I love how you keep it 100 with me. (singing) you fly, you put me on cloud 9. when I'm with you, girl you make me shine."

"there's not enough words to express how much I love you (y/n). but I dare not keep this short. you inspire me everyday to be a better person. you're a diamond, you're my diamond. you've always kept my head screwed on. taught me how to humble myself (along with ma boi @kendricklamar). your such a beauty. I love you, don't you ever forget that."

"can we all just say thank you to my true love. you're the Batgirl to my Robin. the cheese to my pizza, the light in a dark place. Since day one we've had a connection like no other. I want to give you the whole world. Thank you for being there on a high level. You're so special to me.

"you're my other half baby. my goddess. my queen. you've never changed up on me. you've held me down for as long as I can remember. I don't want to be too cheesy to where I embarrass you but too late — I'll keep you in my heart forever and always and levee let you go."

"let me start of with, I love you (y/n). I am in love with you. there's a smile on your face one can never forget. I love the way you think. the way you're confident in yourself. everything about you, makes me go crazy. I love waking up to the sight of you. I hope we never depart. gosh I think I want to marry you!"

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