Prologue | Stuck out foot

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Sighing in content, I could hear the tap dance of rain drops across my Chemistry class' celling.

The soft taps of the water seeping through the roof and landing in a bucket at the front of the students.

The ticking of the clock, counting down the time remaining of this pop quiz and to our freedom to devour the school cafeteria.

My stomach rumbled, alerting the surrounding students to my hunger. Placing a feeble hand on my stomach, I could feel my cheeks tingle. I was blushing.

Watching the clock tick, tick, tick. Each sound closing the time distance between now and lunch.

If I can get through this ten seconds, then I can get through the next.

Noticing that the quiz has three minutes left, I flipped through the test, making sure that I thought all the questions were correct.

In chemistry, I have a 97% average, so I know that I'll probably do well in this test.

Snapping my head up, I listened to the heavenly shrill of the bell, allowing us to run for our lives.

Grabbing my books, I slid out of class in search for my locker. Only to find my friend already waiting for me.

"Lois" I greeted, allowing her to move her slender frame from my door

"Not even a hello? Gee thanks best friend." She answered sarcastically, nudging my waist with a loose smile on her face

"Sorry," I apologised, "Hello dear Lois, how was your one lesson you weren't annoying me for?"

The girls eyes narrowed in before flipping her pixie cut hair the best she could before grabbing my arm and dragging me into the direction of the chatter.

She kept a good grip on me until we got to the cafeteria, where I was essentially blind, but I continued to search through my bag for my purse.

But tripped. My hands shot out, and hands gripped my arm. I stayed up right, but the same couldn't be said for Mr Geoffrey's lunch. Which was now splattered all over his sweat drenched shirt.

"I'm so sorry!" I blurted out, "I tripped and- oh god. I'm so sorry!"

The uproar of laugher was engulfing the room, I could feel my cheeks ringing pink, but also Mr Geoffrey's whole face was engulfed in red tinted skin. Either out of anger or embarrassment.

"I expect to see you at 3, Ms Kingston." was all he said before he disappeared down the hall and into the mass of students

Looking at Lois, who was still behind me, I muttered "I'm screwed."

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