XIV - Glass cups

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After the terrible performance that was my best friend and her boyfriend singing to 'Don't stop believing', Myself and everyone was in stiches. Then it was my turn. 

"What do you wanna sing?" Lois questioned looking through the options, "How about can't help falling in love?" she added sarcastically

"No" I deadpanned, Damon soon joined us and picked a song.

Soon enough the lyrics came up on the screen and I was mentally cursing the boy. Sucking in a steep breath, I allowed the word to fall from my lips;

'I was sitting on my doorstep
I hung up the phone and it fell out of my hand
But I knew I had to do it
And he wouldn't understand'

Looking up, I saw a few faces in the process of awe, as I continued singing, my eyes intentionally avoiding his. Focusing on the lamp on Damon's bed side table.

'So hard to see myself without him
I felt a piece of my heart break
But when you're standing at a crossroad
There's a choice you gotta make'

Preparing myself to pelt our the next lyrics, I turned to face away from my friends, my hands fighting out of nervousness. My gaze now out the window and onto the garden, facing anything other than them.

'I guess it's gonna have to hurt
I guess I'm gonna have to cry
And let go of some things I've loved
To get to the other side

I guess it's gonna break me down
Like fallin' when you're tryin' to fly
It's sad but sometimes
Moving on with the rest of your life
Starts with goodbye'

The rest of the song started to zone out, but I could still fell the emotion slipping through my lips. All my current emotions spilling through my words, clawing their way up and out of my mouth.

'Starts with goodbye' I sang as a lone tear fell from my eye.

Quickly wiping it away I turned to my friends with a smile on my face.

"Joey's next right." I smiled before making my way to sit between Lois and Damon

"How'd you feel?" Damon smirked, bumping his shoulder with mine.

Genuinely smiling, I answered "either better or complete shit, I'm not sure yet"

After a few more rounds of Karaoke, we were all either laughing or crying. I was one that was crying, and it wasn't all that made me this way. It was Blake singing 'I'm to sexy for my shirt'.

Sobering up, I offered to go downstairs and get the Pizza that Joey had ordered. Walking down the stairs, I heard clumpy feet following, turning to see who it was, my head quickly snapped back as he rounded the corner.

"Stone." I greet curtly, making my way to the kitchen, looking for the glasses that I was requested to bring back up.


My body shivered involuntary, heat cursed through my body in embarrassment as I continued my search for glasses. Opening the last cupboard, I found the glasses, but with my height struggled to get them.

"I got it" A voice whispered behind me, reaching forward and collecting 7 glasses and placing them in front of me.

Spinning around I was faced with Xavier's face. Right in front of mine. Trying to escape made him lock his arms beside me.

"Xavier, no." I demanded, "Stop doing this"

"Doing what?" He questioned, his lips brushing my ear.

I melted. "Stop making me, confused."

He leaned back to look at me when the door bell went, rushing passed him. I grabbed the money from my pocket and opened the door. Greeted by delivery man in his late 20's.

Handing him the money, I told him to keep the change before disappearing upstairs. Without even checking for Xavier.

Walking into the room, he was already back, and already staring straight at me. Smiling at everyone, I dropped the 7 boxes of pizza on the coffee table before looking for mine.

BBQ base, which cheese, onions, sweetcorn and pork meatballs. Finding my pizza, I didn't hesitate to shove a slice in my mouth, with a sweet moan escaping my lips.

"Enjoying that?" Blake asked amused

Looking up I saw every pair of eyes were on me, smiling embarrassed, I bit my pizza again turning to the TV.

"Shit!" I cursed, getting up, "I forgot the cups."

"I brought them up." Xavier answered, his eyes not moving from mine. His brown eyes laced with suspicion.

Nodding, I sat back into my original position as the intro of 'Finding Nemo' played. Chuckling to myself, I leant back and got more comfortable. Stroking Siri who was sleeping between myself and Blake as the movie played. And soon after I followed the dog into a world of dreamless sleeps.

Wiping my face, I was brought out of my unconscious state to a snoring and dribbling Damon in my face. Pushing myself up, I found myself sandwiched between Damon and Lois.

Slipping down the bed, I avoided the endless bodies until I was out of the room. Checking my pockets, I found my phone. The time reading 12:34am.

Tripping down the stairs a strong of curse words escaped my lips, until I found myself in the kitchen. Climbing on the side, I grabbed a glass and filled it with water, and as I was about to take a sip, a strangled screech escaped me.

"Xavier! What the hell?" I whisper yelled at the boy who was sat at the table, in the dark I must add.

"Can't sleep."

"Why?" I questioned, but he just shrugged, "Come on"

Downing my water, I signalled for him to follow me, and he did. Getting back into the bedroom, he led me to here he was sleeping. I sat next to him and laid down as he covered us in a thick blanket.

"Goodnight Firefly" He muttered sleepily

"Goodnight Lucifer." I replied, not knowing from this day one, nothing between us would be normal. And I changed that, all on my own.

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