XXVI - Substitute plans

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This chapter has some sexual content. Don't read if your under 18+ and if you don't want to read, they're will be warning on when the sexual content starts and ends. 

"Sooo, the tour has been cancelled..." Lois spoke, gaining everyone's attention

After we had food, we waited for the tour to start but after a 30 minute delay we went back to the hotel and chilled in the biggest room, which was Lois and Damon's room. 

"What does that mean?" Blake questioned, throwing her body into a chair 

"It means we go to Yale early? Its still early in the day, get there a couple hours earlier, maybe see a party..." Damon suggested, wiggling his eyebrows at the group. 

Looking at Xavier, I shrugged, fine with either way. "Cool, but what about the hotel? We're booked in for tomorrow?"

"I'll call them up when were on the road..." Lois answered, standing up and walking to her suitcase. 

Leaving the room, we went to ours and started packing. It was my turn to drive today, leaning over my suitcase, I felt fingers flutter up my sides, before continuing a vicious attack of tickles which resulted in a trip over a suitcase and a crash landing beside the bed. 

Laughing,  ahead popped over the top of the bed, a smirking Xavier looking down at me. Quickly getting up, I flipped the boy and straddled his waist. Planning on his begging for mercy, but the joke was on me, again. 

************************************Sexual content below**************************************

His hands slowly travelled up my thighs, until they reached my waist. Slowly wrapping his hands around the back of my thighs, one of his fingers accidentally brushed against my core, and an involuntary moan slipped passed my lips. 

Tensing, I looked down to find Xavier's face freeze and a look cross his face that I'm not familiar with yet. Lust. His hands tightened on my thighs before flipping us, my body now trapped under his. At his mercy. His hands guided mine until they were above my head, where one of his locked them together, his hand not letting them escape. 

Face to face, I felt the tips of his hair tickle my forehead before his lips ravished my neck. Sucking and biting viciously and all I could do In repose is fidget, the need to touch him becoming torture, and the betrayal of each moan, breathless whisperer and plead to escape my throat. 

"What do you wanna do?" He spoke against my neck, his other hand roaming my body, every crevice becoming accustomed to his touch, except one place. 

"I want to touch you." I stated, my aggravation becoming unstable.

"Oh yeah..." He smirked, his face coming to meet mine again, in a fiery kiss, his hand leaving mine and finding the curve of my breast

My hands soon found his hair and his back, pulling the fabric off, exposing his body, which is... perfect. 

The material of his jeans, rubbed against my thin leggings making a groan escape him and a whimper from me. My panties soaked as the sound exited him. 

Every movement was rewarded with either a groan or a moan from us, my fingers soon dragged down his back, a deep throaty grunt sound from Xavier. 

The next few moments were a blur, and when I saw him again, my top was missing, ripped from my body and in his hands. He slowly kissed my naval, then the valley between my covered breast, both hands paying attention to both breasts before he slowly lowered the strap on my shoulders, the breasts slowly tumbles out of the material. And soon after he claimed them as his own, sucking and biting my nipple as whispers of need tumbled from my chanting lips, his name falling repeatedly. 

Flipping us over, I grinded into him, my lips finding his neck and granting him a few presents of his own, leaning back, I found my blotchy purple marks decorating his skin. Flinging myself back onto the boy, I went to kiss him, but his mouth found my breasts again, so instead I braced myself against the head board, he soon ran his hand over my core and cupped it. I'm sure by now my panties had soaked through my underwear and trousers. 

I slowly ran my hand over the material of his jeans, edging closer and closer to the button, but it was cut short when a knock sounded on the door. 

*************************************End of sexual content*************************************

"Go away." Xavier shouted, continuing his task

The knocking started again, and Xavier jumped out of the bed and went to open the door, but no before he covered me. 

"What?" He snapped at Damon, who was standing next to a ashen face Lois. 

Grabbing the fabric covering me, I got to the door and asked, "What's wrong?"

"Your Moms called. You need to get home." Damon told us, as words got stuck in Lois's throat. 

"Wait! Are they okay?" I panicked, reaching out for Lois 

"They're both fine, but something has happened..." Lois muttered, "Someone showed up." 

Looking between the pair, I felt an arm snake around my midriff. Squinting at them, I muttered, "Showed up?"  

Lois avoided my eyes, which confirmed my suspicion. I snapped my jaw angrily, pushing my way out of the boys grip, I dropped the fabric covering my chest and slipped Xavier shirt on, before throwing my belongings into my suitcase hastily. 

I soon found Xavier following the same actions, all of us leaving the hotel soon after and travelling back to our home town, our road trip cut short. 

As we set off on the journey back and looked at Lois and asked, "Is it him?" 

Lois opened her mouth, but Xavier cut in, "Him who?" 

Ignoring Xavier, I continued to look at the girl, expecting an answer. She nodded, answering Xavier's question, "Your father." 

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