I - the introduction

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Standing outside the dreaded room that will forever stain my perfect grades, attendance and lack of detentions stands before me. 

I got here by mistake, but of course the teacher didn't believe so. Trust me, I did not want to waste food but I did, as my stomach reminded me once again with a tsunami of unsatisfied hunger vibrated in my stomach. Nerves being the thing that will lose my appetite.

Placing a light hand on my stomach, I took a deep breath before swinging the door open and walking into the room.

First foot into the room, I was immediately hit with the stench of sweat and lingering smoke. A handful of noticeable curious glances was cast in my direction, but I hid my face in a curtain of my copper hair. 

Placing the ugly peach coloured slip onto the desk in front of the drooling teacher, looking almost in a state of comatose, before slipping to the front seat closest to the window.

Leaning forward and resting my chin on the palm of my hand, I gazed out the window. Watching as people drove and pranced away. Some hands connected to friends or their significant others, but some hands glued to their phones, oblivious to the world around them.

These are the people who miss out on the complete innocence of the world around them. They miss the birds singing in the early morning, or the soft sway of the trees that allow us to breathe.

My trance was interrupted when the door slammed open, the handle hitting the wall violently. My head spinning round, I was frozen. The boys. Not just any boys. 'The boys'.

The boys every girls wants to be with and every guy wants to be friends with. The boy who could get away with anything even though they are labelled as 'bad' and 'dangerous'. Pulling a prank on the principle resulted in one, yes one detention, due to their parents being some of the biggest donors of the school. But they were some how still alluring to even the most innocence of souls. And I'm not talking about me. I maybe a nerd but I'm not a saint.

The first of the three was Joseph Howells, Joey. He is your Golden boy. Good grades, quarterback and all round a decent guy. With a girlfriend that graduated last year, they still keep their relationship strong. The one thing I definitely know about this guy is that Melina is all he talks about, constantly gushing over his Latino beauty.

The second of the three was Damon Walsh. He is the openly single and ready to mingle guy. Changing girlfriends as he changes his underwear, almost every day. Hopefully. His days consists of being in school during the day and hidden away in the sheets during the night. He's a bit of a jokester and I have found my self stifling a small giggle at some of the lame pick up lines he spurts from his mouth.

And the last of the three was Xavier Stone. And that's all I've got to say. The boy is a mystery. I've been in the same school as him since kindergarten and I can only remember hearing his voice once. Yes, once. I sometimes catch a small smile gracing his lips when he's with his friends but otherwise he is a wall of void emotions. 

Looking away from the group, I focus my gaze back outside. A sign catches my attention, the card perched on my windshield. 'Survive this 10 seconds, to survive the next' it read. 

Sucking in a calming chuckle, I mentally thanked Lois, for more or less quoting my favourite show. Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt. That girl is my lifeline in this life, the only person who can send me into a spasm of uncontrollable laughter.

Pulling my hair tie from my wrist, I threaded my fingers through my hair before bunching it up on top of my head into a messy bun. A few strands of red locks escaping the confinements.

Reaching into my bag, I pulled out the book that I'm currently in love with. 'We were liars' by E Lockhart. I recommend it. The story being a romance, but half way through the book its starting to seem more than just a romance.

Looking for the page I was currently on, a sense of discomfort invaded my body. Looking to my right, I found 'the boys' sat next to me, all observing me. All except for Stone that is.

"Can I help you?" I questioned the boys, a short burst of air leaving my lips.

Their eyes widened in slight shock before a small smile graced Joeys' lips and a smirk Damon's. 

"What's a pretty little thing like you doing in a place like this?" Damon flirted, gesturing to the room. 

The room with 5 rows, 4 desk to each row. The back row crowed with seven of the schools biggest stoners, the second back row with the students who rebel commonly. And my row. containing myself and the people I try to avoid. The socialism ones, minus Stone. The room dark and gloomy. Definitely not a place for a person like me.

Raising an eyebrow, I looked passed him to Joey as if asking 'is he serious'. All the boy did was shrug. Great help he was.

"This pretty little thing is trying to read but you're making me uncomfortable, so I'll move." I answered, reaching for my bag and standing up, only for my path to get blacked by a blue shirt. 

Looking up, I found Damon looking down at me. My height is seriously a problem. My 5'4 height will not win against this giant. Trying to side step the barrier, he copied my moves. 

"What?!" I snapped at the boy, "What the hell do you want!" 

I could hear light chuckles to left of my current position and in front of me, Damon stood still. Almost in disbelief. But he recovered quickly.

"Come on sweetheart." He mumbled, reaching forward, he whispered "I can show you some fun."

Stepping back, I smirked at the boy before answering "I'm sure you could, but I'm going to have to decline, have fun all by yourself." 

Leaving the classroom, I found that there was 10 minutes left of detention but I couldn't care less. Stumbling down the steps of the second floor and out of the school. I pulled the sign off the front of my car before puling out of the paring lot, hoping to avoid another encounter with 'the boys'. A girl could wish, right?

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