XII - Fine

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Arriving home, I found everyone sat on my lawn. Incuding my Mom's and Xavier. Falling out of the car, I walked towards them, still dripping. Not acknowledging them before walking straight into the house. 

"Hey!" A voice yelled angrily, opening the door and slamming it behind me

Swirling around I was faced with a fuming Xavier. His hair was messy and out of control and his face was twinge with red, "Do you know how worried we all were?"

"Oh, Like you care." I snorted in unattractively, walking up the stairs and to my bedroom, and he followed.

"What the hell is that supposed to mean? Huh?" He yelled at me

"Well the fact that you hate me might give me reasonable doubt of you caring for me." I yelled back at him before walking into my closet and grabbing a baggy top and shorts.

"You can't keep walking away rom me" He yelled through the door

"Well you're welcome to come in here and see me naked." I yelled at him, pulling my fresh underwear onto my body.

After fully dressed, I tried to take a calming breath, but it didn't help. Swing the door open, I just looked at Xavier and he looked at me.

"I can't be your friend if you hate me." I stated, before adding "And if you're not my friend, then I don't want you in my house."

I grabbed a book off my shelf before walking passed him, but he moved his body so he was blocking my path.




"Fine, were not friends or fine we are friends?" I questioned the boy

"Fine, were friends. On a probationary period." He added with a small, but looking forced smile. Almost hurting him to do the action. 

Matching his smile, I nodded before walking passed him and outside, to my family and friends. opening my arms, I bowed.

"We are now sorted, you all can leave. Except my moms, I'm starving." Before turning away and walking into the house.

I caught Xavier as he was walking down the stairs, giving him a smile, I watched as he left my house. Maybe. Hopefully not for the last time.

Sitting at the island, I heard my Mom's come in and stand in front of me. Looking up they both had smiles on their face and I assuming I did.

"Okay. so..." My Mamma started

"So. I was thinking if were friends, It could help me get over him." I answered giving them a small smile

"Won't being friends with him make your feelings grow more?" My mom asked

"Maybe." I answered honestly, "But its a 50/50 situation. I can either try to get over him or fall fast and hard."

"Well, I'm voting for whatever you want." My mom whispered

"But what is it that you want?" My momma asked me, I shrugged my shoulders before answering.

"I'm not sure yet."


Thursday was slightly awkward, Myself and Xavier was trying to act like friends which was a little more strange than anything but by the end of the day we had pretty much got the foundation down. 

Now Friday, I wake up to a text from Damon saying that he's having a 'sleep over' and we are all invited. His parents are out of town and his older brother is back from college to watch him. 

Getting ready for school, I slipped into a pair of black skinny jeans and a white cold shoulder top, I laced up my gladiator heels and walked down stairs.

Finding my parents were easy, but they were acting weird again. Like the other week. Sitting with a hesitant smile, I questioned, "Can I sleep over Damon's? Everyone is going to be there and -"

"Yes" Mamma answered instantly, before adding "We have to do something tonight, anyways."

Smiling I replied "Really?"

"Really, but no hanky-panky young lady." My mom scolded with a light smile on her face.

Watching the two, I questioned, "Going anywhere nice. Meal or a show?"

"No, just some business in the city. Mom wanted to join." Mamma answered, her lawyer skills being on point, but moms wasn't.

"Well, if anything is wrong you know you can tell me, Right?" I told the pair, reaching for their hands but Mamma pulled away saying.

"Everything is okay, Baby. Best get going to school." 

Nodding vigorously, I got up and grabbed something to eat before running to my car. Sitting in the car, I placed my eye contact in, struggling for a few minutes resulting in myself arriving at school slightly later than normal due to traffic, I was rushed off my feet by the mass of students all running in the same direction. I almost fell when hands grabbed my hips, steading me.

"Hello friend." He voice whispered in my ear, his warm breath erupting goose bumps to layer my skin.

"Stone" I greeted, turning around and offering the boy a smile, "How are you running late?"

You see, even though Xavier stone is a mystery there is one thing everyone can say about him. He is always early to school even if he's late to class.

"Dropped my sister at school." he answered, directing me into school

"I can't wait to meet her. I can't believe I still haven't met her yet!" I exclaimed as we entered school grounds

"Well, I can't have another one of my sibling falling in love with you." He joked, throwing his hand sin the air

"I should go for a full set should I." I winked at the boy before walking away and to my lockers, but turned when he called me

"You going tonight?" He questioned

Smiling, I shouted back, "That I am. I've got the pop tarts and Nutella." before leaving him standing in the middle of the hall.

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