XXVII - Home bound

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Pulling up to the house, I threw my door open before the brakes stopped and marched across the garden. 

Trembling, I injected my keys into the door before swinging the wood open and storming into the house, I found my Moms sat across the table from a dark headed man. Using my middle finger I pushed my sun glasses further up my nose. Keeping my eyes hidden.

From what I could see, his hair was styled perfectly and his crisp suit had no creases. 

My mom looked up, her eyes telling a story with collaborated with her face painted white and her lips drawn into a pinched smile. 

Cracking my neck, I sat at the head of the table, and looked back at the door, relieved to see my friends sat outside the house. 

Closing my eyes, I released a tense breathe before looking at the man to my right. 

Familiar. That's the first thing that registers. The familiar face that litters magazines and newspapers across the globe. His cold, mismatched eyes, my eyes staring back at me in wonder. 

Pulling my glasses off slowly, I watched his eyes widen before going back to normal, showing little emotion. 

"What do you want?" I snapped at the multi-million dollar man in front of me. 

He opened his mouth slightly before closing it and clearing his throat before looking at my mothers. 

"Yes, What are you doing here?" My momma snapped at the man.

He replied by saying, "This is a family matter, maybe you should leave." 

"I agree." I spoke looking at my momma, before turning to the man and saying, "You can leave now." 

A abrupt laugh sounded from my momma, a smug smile gracing her lips as she smiles at the man.

He glares, before excusing himself. Looking back at my moms, I question, "River Anderton? Really?" 

My mom shrugged before answering, "I was young and still trying to figure out my sexuality, he helped, and gave me something in return for my virginity. You." 

Smiling lightly, I pondered, "Why is he here now?" 

My mom looked away, playing with her fingers, before replying, "He found out about you a couple years ago and didn't want anything until a couple weeks ago." 

Raising an eyebrow to encourage her to continue, she added, "His mother is sick, needs a transplant of something and he's hoping you're his fam- that you my girl is your families saving grace." 

"Good thing my name isn't grace." I snorted, leaning back into the chair and looking for my friends again. 

Only to see Xavier and him. "Oh shit." 

Pushing myself out of the car, I lodged myself between my father and Xavier. 

Xavier was glaring at the man and my father did the same to Xavier. 

Placing a hand on Xavier's face, I bought his face to mine, my eyes staring into his, "Hey, it's okay. I got you." 

Closing his eyes, he rested his head against mine. All was silent until I heard River exclaim.

"You let our daughter hang out with a man, like him, you're putting her in danger! What type of mother are y-" 

Spinning away from Xavier, I glared at the man in front of me before spitting. 

"How dare you. You have no right to tell me who I can and cannot be with. You might be my father but you are not my dad." 

Stepping towards him, "And my mothers, yes both of them, are amazing parents. They raised me to be strong. To make my own mistakes and I can assure you, that man over there-" I pointed at Xavier, "Is one the best mistakes I've ever made." 

Finally stepping in front of him, I muttered, "The only danger he's put me in. Is falling. And I've fallen hard. And I'll tell you the type of man he is. He accept me. For my faults, my flaws and for my past. He's the type of man that I know I will love for the rest of my bloody life." 

He gulped and gave a stiff nod, before turning and walking to his car, which is parked next to the road trip car. 

Shouting, "What does your mother need?" 

Turning slightly, but not facing us completely, "Bone marrow." 

Wiping a strand of hair out of my face, I answered, "I'll get tested, but that's all I can promise." 

I watched the man leave, my other half. The mystery I've been wanting to solve walked away. The silence was deafening until Lois spoke, "Did you say you love Xavier?"

Nodding, I answered, "Yeah, Coffee anyone?" 

They all filed into the house, and I planned to soon follow them but a slight tug on my wrist brought me to face him. 

"Hey?" I questioned the boy.

"You just said you love me." He stated before adding, "And then you were going to make everyone coffee and not address that fact..." 

Nodding, I watched his face for any sign of discomfort. Finding none, I laced my arms around his neck, and stood on my tip toes. 

"I didn't know how you would react." 

He justed watched me. His face blank, his eye void of any emotion. Letting the nerves get the better of me, I slowly pulled my arms away from his neck, but his arms snaked around my waist and pulled me against his body. 

Removing one hand, he pressed it against my cheek before muttering, "Say it." 

Raising an eyebrow, I questioned, "Say what?" 

"Tell me you love me." 

Smiling lightly, I brushed my lips against him, before whispering, "I love you, Xavier Stone." 

Smiling brightly, he crashed our lips together. My hands making their way to his hair, and with a swift tug of his hair, he started backing us up, until I was against the wall of my house. 

Removing our lips, he whispered, "I love you too." 

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