X - Ice-cream

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Laying down on the towel, I attempted to avoid Blake for the rest of the trip. But failed miserably, wherever I turned there was either a smirking Blake or Lois. And then they both figured out they knew, now I'm being tag teamed by the two. 

Leaning up on my elbows, I could still see 'the boys' who were now my friends in the water still, flapping and squealing like pre-teen girls. 

But as usual, I focused on him again. How the hell can I like him. Sure he is good looking, really good looking but all he has been to me is an asshole. Am I attracted to that type? The type which will eventually break my heart?


Jumping to the moon and back, I turned to glare at the person who scared me half to death, only to see the boy that always scares me half to death. 

"Noah." I greeted the teen.

He didn't reply, but he allowed his eyes to rake over my partially clothed form laying on a towel. Sitting up and crossing my legs, I draped my top over my lap. 

"What do you want?" I questioned the boy 

He dropped into a sitting position before smiling at me, "I want to go on a date with you and I'm not taking 'No' as an answer." 

"And what if I wasn't available, not into you or didn't want to?" I questioned the boy, turning to face him.

"Well I'll just have to change that." He smirked, his eyes following the pattern of my tattoo.

"Whatever bet you have going. I don't want to be apart of it." I dismissed before getting up and walking towards the water, leaving Noah behind with gossiping Blake and Lois. 

Walking along the shore, I listened to the cackling giggles of children running up and down the beach, and the girls singing obnoxiously to Justin Bieber and I couldn't help but smile. 

When I was younger, my mom would dress me up in my princess swimming costume with a little frills around the waist and I'd pretend to be Ariel. Standing on one of the man rock pools and wait for a wave to crash against my back. Most of the time I'd be waiting longer than any energetic 8 year old would wait, but I stayed still, waiting for my princess moment. 

"Violet!" A voice bellowed across the beach, I could faintly see Damon and Joey charging at me, Damon on the back of the football player.

"Comin' in?" Damon questioned with a boyish smile sown into his face.

Smiling lightly, I nodded before taking off in a sprint next to the boys. Crashing into the water, I ran with my legs kicking higher until we were close to Xavier, then we jumped. 

A tsunami of water rippled through the surface before crashing all up the front of a very shirtless Xavier. And I froze and stared. 

Every bump and curve looked natural, his kissed skin glowing, his hair soaked and sticking to his forehead and his brown eyes lighter in laughter. I sucked my bottom lip between my teeth, before standing up and walking back to the top of the beach. 

"Hey viole-" 

"No!" I snapped at the boy, "I'm sorry, but I can't, and I don't want to go out with you. I'm sure your a lovely guy. But I can't." 

Grabbing my things, I stalked the rest of the way up the beach and got changed into a fresh pair of underwear and then slipped my clothes on. And the shirt was smudged with sun cream.

Holding my bag over the stain, I approached the nearest clothing stall and paid for a light blue cami swing dress. Slipping the dress over my head, I took my shirt off over my legs before throwing it in the trash can.

Allowing my hair to dry naturally, continued walking the stall, picking up trinkets and handcrafted jewellery. Grabbing a double scooped cone of bubble-gum ice-cream, I slipped my phone from my bag as an unknown number called me.


"Thank God. Where the hell are you?!" 



"Right, Lucifer. And I'm shopping." 

"Why'd you freak out and leave?"

"Nothing. I'm fine." 

"Fine. I don't care. Where are you Lois is freaking out?"

"By the ice-cream cart"

Hanging up, I continued to lick my Ice-cream until I saw Lois storm into the clearing of people. Leaving out a tense breathe, I plastered a fake smile on my face. 

"What the hell?" She snapped 

"Nothing. Everything is fine." 

"What happened?" She continued as the rest of the group joined us 

"I caught myself doing something I shouldn't have." I answered, Lois looked confused until Blake yelled 

"Ah that damn Cat!" 

Giggling lightly at the girls out burst, I let my eyes flutter over the group, soaking in one person a little longer that needed before looking back at my best friend.

Lois looked confused again before realisation fluttered across her face briefly. "Ahh" She let out before passing me and purchasing an Ice-cream of her own.

"Why don't you just tell him?" Lois whispered

"Because its a 99% chance that I'll get rejected. Plus, I'm planning on getting over him before I fall." I muttered half heartedly. 

"Oh, hunny-" 

"BBQ at Xav's" Blake whopped, looping her arms with mine and Lois

I had finished my ice-cream by the time we had got to the car and apparently, the dog wasn't moving and neither was Joey, because 'he's a big boy and can't fit in the middle.' 

So, I'm here sat next to the boy I don't want to be next to but do at the same time . My new dress keeps riding up my legs given the boy a full view of what he has already seen, but it feels more intimate. 

Sat next to him I can feel my heart rate increase, unable to breathe. Turning to face the window, I took a deep breath before turning back to the group who were chatting about food.

It wasn't long until we arrived at the BBQ, the night was filled with laughter and love. I enjoyed myself, but what I didn't enjoy was running from Xavier at every corner.

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