XXII - Petals and Chocolate

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The group having to decide to sleep for a few hours and then meet at reception at 5 to go for food might have been the worst thing I agreed to. Beacuse now this man is between my legs and the fact that we've only got one bed. Looking towards the door, deciding whether to try and escape, Blake might have room for me. But maybe she would reject me, she did make these booking after all.

"It's locked, Firefly." He chuckled lightly, his body shaking slightly with his laughter.

Nodding repeatendly only allowed his smirk to widen, opening my mouth I whisper-shouted, "We get to bed." 

His eyes widened slightly before he answered "Trying to get me naked? Already?"

He placed a hand on his head before muttering, "Do you think I'm that easy, Vi-o-let?" 

The way he pronounced sent shivers to spread through my body. My eyes widened on his comment, stading up suddenly my chest hit his resulting in Xavier loosing his footing, grabbing me and making us fall to the floor with a bang and a groan.

Rolling off his body, I laid on the floor next to the boy. We stared at the ceiling before I felt warm fingers weave through mine. Smiling lightly I squeezed his hand.

"I like you." I whispered, my eyes not leaving the ceiling pattern.

"I like you too" He then answered before whispering, "A lot." 

He pulled my hands to his lips before pressing a light feather kiss to it. Turning on my side, I propped my one leg over his, my hand fisted onto his chest and my head in his neck. 

And thats how we fell asleep. On the floor. And waking up was a bitch.

Pounding on the door awoke me from my slumber, groaning I turned closer to the warm body before mumbling "Go away."

"I swear to the lord" A voice yelled through the door, "If you don't get your bitch asses up now, I'm going to slap you silly." 

Groaning, I pushed the body away, but they refused to let go and pulled my body back, their arms circling my waist tighter.

"Come back later!" I called, there was a pause of silence, and I thought the person left, but then a high pitched voice questioned... 

"Are you having sex?" 

"No" I yelled mortified, finally opening my eyes

I looked at the face beside mine and found that his eyes were already on mine. A look on his face that I couldn't place to an emotion.  

"Hi" I whispered, a shy smile slipping onto my lips, Xavier smiled back, creases forming at the corners of his eyes

"She wants to know if you want food." He whispered 

I reached out slowly, my finger tracing his jaw before it ventured further up his head and then coming down his nose and ending at his lips. 

My breathing faltered as I placed my finger in his lips, they were soft. Really soft. Looking at him, his eyes were staring directly into mine. Never wavering. Almost studying the emotions running around my eyes. 

"I'm not hungry" I answered after much deliberation, he nodded slowly before removing his body from mine. I laid awkwardly before Xavier bent down and grabbed my hands, pulling my body over his shoulder. Laughing lightly, I checked out his ass from the perfect angle he offered. And damn.

Squealing when his hand smacked my ass, I tried to get out of his grip, but his hands only tightened on my thighs. He finally dropped me to my feet before pushing my body backwards gently onto a chair beside the window.

He placed a soft kiss on my head, before turning and making his way to where Lois was hid by the door. He swiftly unlocked the door, his one hand holding the door whilst the other supported his weight in the door frame.

Lois was dressed in a light pink dress and small ballet shoes. A scowl was on her face when she snapped, "It 5:32, and you're both late." 

He ran a hand through his hair before answering "We're not hungry, so we're going to go back to sleep, thanks for waking her up though. We will see you in the reception in the morning." He snapped before closing the door, not waiting for her reply.

"Really?!" Lois yelled through the door before her stomps were sounded going down the corridor and finally disappearing. 

Xavier turned to face me, his back resting against the door, a small smile was sent my way before he started to collect all the petals and chocolate off the bed, keeping them separated before walking towards me again. 

He picked me up, now cradling my body to his chest before gently placing me down on the left side of the bed.

He wandered around the room, doing mundane tasks like - closing the curtains and disappearing into the bathroom for a couple of minutes before returning.

"Are you comfortable?" He asked me, eyeing my attire.

Looking at my clothes, they were tight yoga pants and a lose tank top. I went to reply yes, but an answer from him cut me off. A top, still warm, thrown at my face.

Looking at him I found him now shirtless and taking his jeans off. Blushing, I put my head into his top, sucking in a deep breathe of his scent.

"Put it on" He demanded, drawing myattention to his figure sat on the bed, his back facing me.

Nodding, I realised he couldn't see me so I gave a simple answer of, "Ok."

Stannd up, I kept my eyes on his back when I removed every piece of clothing, until I was stood behind him in ony my panties. My breasts fully visible. Tempted to get into bed like this, I looked down at my body. My lace underwear was hiding light stretch marks but my now missing bra wasn't. The white scars on the sides of my breasts suddenly making me self conscious, I threw his shirt on before I pulled the quilt back and slipped into the bed. My back facing away from the boy.

Seconds later, I left bare legs brush against mine, his arms wrapping around my waist and he buried his head into my mess of hair.

"Goodnight." He muttered befoe placing a kiss to the back of my neck, a shutter rocketing through my body.

"Goodnight, Xavier"

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