XXIV - Seriously

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At the end of the campus tour, I could officially say that Duke, is a pretty good school. Everyone seemed to enjoy certain aspect of the tour. My favourite bits were the library. I might sound geeky, but whenever I got excited or too excited, Xavier would either comment or kiss my check and I would suddenly become more, embarrassed than excited. Well not embarrassed, because I enjoyed his little kisses, but embarrassed for the fact that our friend was gawking at the sudden displayed of affection from Xavier, especially when he seemed to be in similar character to his surname. 

Walking around the campus, my sunglasses firmly in place, and had not been moved for the entire day, I felt something warm slip into my hand. Looking down there were large calloused fingers weaved through mine. 

"I like this" Damon called behind us, turning slightly but still walking, I raised an eyebrow at the boy before he continued

"You and him. Him and you. I like you. Both. Together." He said, a small smile on his face, I smiled back before turning around.

But then he spoke again, "And I love that I won the bet."

Suddenly I was slung back, Xavier had stopped in the middle of the path. His face had an expression I hadn't seen in a while. Angered. 

"You what?" Turning around, he let go of my hand, facing Damon. 

Damon gulped, and soon enough his girlfriend left his side. Leaving him to face the fury of his best friend alone. 

"Um, Me and a few people- "

"Who?" Xavier spoke, interrupting his answer.

"Me, Sam and Rosie." 

My eye widened behind my sun glasses, and my mouth opened and closed, before muttering, "My mom's?" 

He nodded vigorously, afraid. My lips parted, and a laugh bubbled from them. Slapping my hands on my knees, my eyes found Xavier's face. His eyes were no longer on damon, but on me and now a small smile was on his lips.

"You and- and my moms made a bet. My mom, okay, But momma?" I laughed, wiping my finger behind the sun glasses I wiped the tears that had escaped my eyes. 

Breathing in and out deeply, I calmed myself down, but the lauygh escaped again when I saw the look of terror still echoed on Damon's face. 

Blake and Lois were still laughing, when I chocked out, "Momma- she betrayed me."

Closing my eyes, I clutched my stomach. Resisting the urge to roll around on the floor, but a voice whispered in my ear, "It's not that funny, Firefly. Calm down." 

Slowly calming myself down, I allowed Xavier to wrap his arm around my waist. Pulling my chest to his. His lips brushing against my neck causing a tsunami of pleasurable shudders to run through my body.

"So, you don't like the fact that they betted on us?" I asked him

"Its not that. I don't like the fact they knew it would happen before us." He answered, lifting his forehead to mine slowly before they touched softly.

"It was just you. I've known for a while without knowing it." I smiled, placing a small kiss on the side of his lips before pulling away and going for food. 

It was 4:23pm now and we needed to be back on the road by 6 to get to brown at 9pm. Getting back, I had a quick shower and platted my hair before packing all my stuff up. Meeting in reception to hand our keys over before making our way to the car. 

Tonight was Lois and Damon turn to drive, so myself, Blake and Xavier were all tucked into the back. As we set off on our drive, the sky turned ombre, from a dark red to black to nothing but an abyss, a lack of colour.  

Hooking my legs over Xavier's, I turned my body into his and clutched his chest, his hands found their way around my hair and over my shoulder. His fingers playing with the strands of hair that was tightly weaved. 

Leaning my head onto his chest, we stared into each others eyes. And as cliché as it sounds, I could see every emotion fluttering around them. But that moment was soon broken when Lois 'awwwed' from the front seat. 

Xavier mustered her a glare before facing me again. He placed a small kiss above my brow, removing the sun glasses from my head and throwing them in the front with Lois. 

Then a gasp sounded, He then glared again at Lois for her audience of our time together. Rolling my eyes, I gripped his chin and kissed him, giving her a show before pulling away and asking, "Did you like Duke?" 

He smiled, amusement circling his eyes, "I did. I especially enjoyed the time where it was just you and me." 

"Oh yes, the moment you gave me a heart attack, right?" I replied, remembering when he locked the door

"Don't worry, baby, there is so much more to come." He spoke, hitting my nose with his

Scrunching up my nose, I pulled away slightly and a laughing tipped of his lips. 

"Ready for Brown?" He questioned, Anticipation sparkling in his eyes

"Its a good school." I stated 

"That it is. Think you'd go there?" He questioned, his hand wiping some baby hairs from my forehead 


"Depends on what?" He questioned, his questioned prodding 

"We'll just have to wait and see, won't we baby." I joked, a smile on my lips 

"Don't" He lightly growled, his eyes finding my lips

"Not this shit again." I stated, "I can say your name, why can't I say this?" 

He smirked before leaning closer to my face, and answered "Because I don't want to take you, make you scream my name for the first time in the back seats, with our friends in the car." 

Gulping loudly, I slowly nodded. But before I could answer, someone else did.

"Seriously, guys?" Blake hissed amused, "I'm in the back seat and you talking about having sex." 

Groaning, I hid my face in Xavier's chest whilst he stayed silent, either smirking or glaring before Blake muttered again,


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