XVI - Cupcakes

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A week. A complete week has gone by and Xavier is back to being normal. But a bit more friendly. I've been dealing with my emotions as best as I could. 

For example; everytime I saw him talking to anyone, I would concvince myself he like them. Slowly breaking my own heart in the process but effective. 

A bit anyways. 

Arriving at the Stone household, I knocked on the door to be greeted by an unknown face. An older man. Short, buzz styled cut sat on top his head, small facial hair growing on his face and bright blue eyes. 

"Um... Hi." I released

"Hello, you must be Violet?" The man questioned, a heavy texas accent sounding through the air. 

"Uh, Yeah" I answered, before unvolentarily lettinga question escape my mind, "Who are you?"

The man chuckled before thrusting his hand forward and saying, "Jordan Stone, a pleasure to meet the girl that almost my whole family cant stop talking about. My boy especially." 

My eyes widening, I shook his hand, before saying. "Callum is a lovely kid." 

Jordon laughed lightly, a smile crept on his face almost mocking me, before inviting me in the house and leading me to the kitchen, where Melissa stood over the cooker, icing cupcakes. 

"Violet!" She greeted, pulling my body into hers. 

"Hi" I chuckled, hugging the loving mother.

Melissa smiled before handing me a cupcake, that was already iced and egged me into biting into it. 

Bringing it slowly to my lips, I took a pleasure filled bite of the cupcake and released a sugary moan into the kitchen, muttering through full lips, "This is so good." 

Melissa clapped, looking accomplished before wiping her hands and telling me, "Xavier is up stairs." 

Nodding, I bid the family a goodbye, not without ruffling my hand through the giggling toddlers hair and high fiving the energetic sister that I finally meet a week ago, before I made my way upstairs, in search for the boy. 

Finding his room, I knocked lightly and opened the door when I didn't get a reply. I soon found the boy sleeping in his bed.

Slowly approaching his bed, I took count of the fact my heart felt it was going to burst out of my chest and blood was pumping in my ears, creating a deafening thumping.

Sitting on the side of the bed, I lightly ran my fingers over his forehead, brushing away a few stray hairs before placing my hand on his cheek before muttering, "What the hell have you done to me? Huh. Your destroying my heart and you don't even know it."  

His hair was a mess on top of his head, his lips parted releasing unsteady breathes, his clothes not even slightly wrinkled. Ignoring the fact that he must sleep like a corpse.

Looking around his room, I noticed at lot of things I didn't ever think I'd find in this boys room. A guitar perched against a wall, text books opened on his desk and no forgotten clothing littering his floor.

Letting him sleep for a little longer, I snuck out and sucked in a deep breath. Muttering 'I can do this' before banging my knuckles against the door. 

"Wake up, Wonder boy." I called as I saw the boy sit up in bed.

Eying him suspiciously, I spoke, "You don't look like you've been sleeping." 

A smirk graced his lips before he spoke, "I wake up this good, Baby" Before getting up and making his way into his bathroom, but not before sparing me a glance whilst he closed the door. 

After a silent couple of minutes the boy exited the bathroom looking more refreshed than his supposed corpse did moments ago. Dressed in a pair of black jeans and a tight fitting white top, a leather jacket sitting comfortable in his shoulders. 

"Done checking me out yet, Firefly?" He teased 

"Lucifer" I muttered before walking passed the boy and out of the house, the only thing letting me know he was following me was his thundering footsteps that vibrated through the floorboards. 

15 minutes later, Xavier is sat in my car as we arrive at the restaurant that the group wanted to meet at.

Originally Lois and Damon called he meet. And since then everyone has placed a bet on what it is.

Xavier said Lois is pregnant.

Joey said that they're engaged.

Blake said they're breaking up.

And mine, I said that they're going on holiday.

I hope I win. All of those situations. I. Do. Not. Like. Too young.

Getting at the restaurant, I brushed down my jeans and walked next to Xavier into the small store and found my friends already there with pancakes in front of them.

We sat down and pancake arrived fast for us. But as everyone was eating. I stared at my friend, sorry best friend.

All at once everyone exclaimed what they thought this 'meeting' was for and all Lois and Damon did was laugh.

"No, no, no, no and we should invest in a holiday." Lois giggled, she cuddled into Damon more before saying, "We are going to look at college the weekend before thanksgiving and was wondering if you wanted to join."

She looked around the group before saying, "Violet, I know you have your mind set already. But maybe we can change it" 

Looking around the group of excited eyes, I shrugged and answered, "Fine." 

Watching everyone engrossed in conversation around the table, I tried to remember how we got here. We had been in school for three months now. The second week was when I met the boys in detention. And here we are now. I've gained four new friends, my best friend has a boyfriend and I think I've fallen in love in a mere 3 months with someone who I'm not so sure anymore isn't capable of love.

Looking at Xavier who is next to me, a soft smile Is on his lips as he talks to Joey who is already planning on going to UCLA where his girlfriend currently attends. 

Xavier turned to me and asked "So where do you wanna go?" 

Smiling at him, "I'm pretty sure it'll be my heart that decides that one."

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