XI - Drift

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It currently Wednesday. And it's not just me but everyone is acting wierd minus, Xavier. He is still 'Stoney' and passive aggressive with her glaring lasers pointed at me all day long.

"I just need to run to my English class before lunch." Lois promised, walking next to her, she opened the classroom door and signalled for me to walk in first.

As I was fully in, she slammed the door and a click sounded through the room, She had locked the room. Why?

Turning around, I felt the wall and finally found the light switch and what I found was disturbing. Xavier tied to a chair and duct tape cover his, what I'm assuming, scowling mouth.

"Omg!" I laughed as I dropped my bag and approached the boy.

The boys eyes followed my movement, almost predator like. Getting closer to the boy, I placed my hand on his one cheek before reaching for the duct tape.

Holding my hand on his cheek a little longer than necessary, I watched as he allowed his eyes to close. Not before snapping them open and glaring at me, ripping the duct tape off he let out a string of curse words before finishing with saying "I'm going to kill them."

"Trust me, boy wonder, I'm in the same boat." I muttered, as I begin the untie his wrist.

After I untied his wrist, I fell to my knees and started undoing his ankles, but as I looked up I'm sure I caught something in his eyes, but before I could figure it out, it was gone.

Getting back up on my feet, I wiped off the imaginary dust before turning to observe the room, On the desk sat a tray with two burgers and two fries and a note.

'so you don't kill me later, love Lois!'

Grabbing the burger, I took an large bite before returning to the door and trying to open it. Hitting, screaming and kicking got me nowhere, except Xavier laughing at me.

"Is it really that bad in here with me?" He questioned, an eyebrow raised to half the extent of his forehead

I turned to face him, my eyes already checking him out, but thankfully he doesn't seem to notice, "Trust me, If you could hear what was going on in my head."

Taking another bite of my warm burger, I sat on a desk and pulled my legs underneath me.

As I was about t o finish my burger as a note slid under the door, Xavier strung up from his chair and picked up the note before reading, "Talk it out, Talk what out?"

Another note slid under the door and he picked it up again. "Whatever is going on between you two." He read and then yelled "Their is nothing going on with us."

"Ouch" I muttered, looking away the boy, looking down into my lap as I played with my finger silently and praying that the floor would swallow me whole.

Even though I've been avoiding him, it's still hurting. It's not just a crush anymore. I like him. And I'm an idiot for allowing myself to like a guy who doesn't have feelings. He's a modern day beast and I'm trying, but evidentially, hell break me to.

Getting up from my position, I pushed Xavier behind me before saying, "Please, Lois. Let me out. Please."

I heard someone such in a sharp breath before she answered, "Violet, you need to do this. For you."

Huffing a strangled breath, I strutted over to the table before looking at the boy and asked, "Why do you hate me?"

Xavier looked slightly taken back before answering, "You hurt my friend."

"Your friend hurt my feelings unknowingly disrespected my parents. Should I hate him for that?" I questioned the boy.

"You have your own opinion."

"So you hate me because I punched your friend. I'm sure plenty of people has punched Damon. But why hate me over all of them?"

He was silent before he decided to ignore me and walk towards the window.

"Come on, Xavier. What the hell have I done for you to, hate me?" I asked as my voice broke a little over the word hate.

"Don't." Was his reply

"Why can't I say your name. Everyone else can but I'm different. Why?" I questioned the boy.

Standing between him and the window I pushed him before yelling, "Why?"

"Because you say it differently." He yelled back

"How do I say your name different. Huh?" I yelled

As he went to answer, a teacher stormed into the room, "And what is happening here?" He bellowed

Looking at Xavier who wouldn't even look at me I answered, "Nothing. Absolutely nothing." Before storming passed Xavier and grabbing my bag on the way out.

Storming passed my friends, Lois tried to reach for me, But I ripped my body away from her as if she burned me and the look of hurt was enough to want me to stop but didn't. I kept walking. 

Walking passed students who turned with a curious gaze, I continued to walk until I was out of the school and heading to my car. 

And from the car, I went to the only place I thought of going. The beach. My beach. 

Arriving at the beach, I abandoned my phone and school bag in the car, only taking myself and my keys. I ran down the beach and straight into the water. 

The water was freezing but I didn't care. The beach had the occasional dog walker or elderly couple having a romantic stroll but I continued to drift in the water, hearing the vibrations of the crashing waves and the prancing of feet entering the water. 

After laying in the water for a while, I left the body of moisture and made my way back to the car and slipping in. Starting the car,  I ventured the short journey home. Soaked to the bone and annoyed to hell. 

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