XX - College Tours

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Finishing off the last of my packing, I tucked the letter my mom gave to be between my clothes in my holdall.

Bidding a goodbye to my parents, I slipped into the front seat of Xavier's car, and turned to face the already sleeping couple in the back of the car and a reading Blake. A road trip and a college tour in one. Myself, Xavier, Lois, Blake and Damon in one car. Joey currently in LA visiting his future college and girlfriend. A third wheel would've been less awkward.

Blake seeing me instantly called, "You look like shit." 

Chuckling unamused, I answered "This is what sitting in a bath for hours does." 

The darkly lit sky stretched for hours, leaving at 10pm to drive to Duke, which was the furthest away. Then Brown on Saturday, and then my dream. YALE. The Sunday night and Monday morning before driving a couple hours back home. 

To attempt avoiding any conversation with Xavier, other than the fact I said I would switch with him in a couple of hours, I placed my ear bubs in and drowned out the awkward silence with imagine dragons rumbling through my ears.

After hour one, I'm still wide awake. Earphones still on, still avoiding conversation. That was until a finger tapped my shoulder. 

Turning, I found a half awake Lois, "Can you turn the heating up?" She questioned 

Pulling my earbuds out, I looked at the car console and got lost.  Sucking in a steep breath, I muttered "A little help, Stone." 

His one hand reached out blindly, brushing gently against my skin, before I flinched away. A quiet sigh escaped his lips before he eventually turned on the heating. 

Lois soon fell back asleep, the three now all asleep in the back. An award atmosphere washed over the car. 

I reached for my earphones again, but a voice called me.


He rubbed a hand over his slightly growing stubble before looking over at me. He raised an eyebrow and I looked away promptly before he said, "Are we not going to talk about it."

"Talk about what?" I questioned, before continuing with, "the fact that I've tried to hide that I have feelings for you, from you and everyone else , but you've known. For weeks. Nope, not going there." I spoke before turning away from the boy and returning to my music. 

Falling asleep came easier the second time round. 

"Violet?" a voice cooed lightly, shaking my shoulders. 

Opening my eyes, I found Damon smiling brightly at me. Wiping my eyes, I slid out of the car and followed the group into a 24 hour diner. The time currently being 3:38am. Sitting on a table with the girls and the boys filling the car up with gas. 

Ordering a waffles and syrup with a black coffee, I awaited the sweet and bitter deliciousness that would make me feel instantly better. 

The boys soon joined us, ordering a sandwich and a drink, before talking about college parties. The awkwardness evaporated for a few minutes, due to myself not talking and walking to the car to get my purse, which I had forgotten. 

"Violet." He called. My body tensed and froze in place. This time I can't turn away and go to sleep. I have to face the boy. 

"What?" I called, my voice flat and defeated. "What do you want?"

Spinning around to face the boy, I took notice of his taken back look on his face,  before he  strode towards me and placing his hand on the crease between my shoulder and neck. I tried to pull away but the lull of his voice stopped me. 

"Why are you mad at me?" He asked almost innocently, I raised an eyebrow and he added, "Aside from that?"

Looking at him. I was shocked, I don't think I know. I fell for a man, that is an asshole. That everyone is afraid of. But here in this moment, I know why. 

"Because I love you." I spoke softly, his eyes widened at my statement, before adding "And it hurts that you'll never feel the same way about me." 

I took in the look of surprise on his face before begrudgingly pulling my body away, and turning to for the car. 

Opening the door, a hand shot out and slammed it shut. A startled cry escaped my lips, before circling to face the person.

"Who the hell said I didn't?" He questioned angrily. His mouth allowing short, angry puffs of air to escape his lips.

My mouth opened to say something, anything, but nothing escaped. A small smile graced his lips before he placed a soft kiss to my temple. 

"Just because I don't say something doesn't mean that I don't feel it." 

And with that he turned away and walked back to the diner. Forcing myself to breathe, a small smile slid onto my lips before retrieving my purse and going back to the diner. 

Getting to the table, I saw that now Lois was in Xavier's seat, and he was in hers. Right. Next. To. Mine. 

Sitting in the seat, two waffles was placed in front of me. I bit my lip before taking a bit. A soft moan escaped my lips, and for that action a hand clamped onto my thigh. Making me jump.

Lois looking startled, questioned "You okay?" 

Nodding at the girl, I slipped my hand to my thigh and tried to pry away his hand, but Xavier being stubborn instead laced our fingers together and sat them on my lap. 

Every now and then he'd give my hand a reassuring squeeze until we left the diner. Now I'm driving, the three in the back is sleeping. And Xavier is, his hand resting on my thigh once again for the next couple of hours until we reach our first destination. 

And all that I could do was drive, smile and think. Does that mean he loves me too?

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