XXI - Wrap your lips

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Stepping out of the stuffy car, I happily welcomed the cold air that slapped my face aggressively. My Light jacket flowing in the wind as my hair gracefully slipped over my shoulder. 

Bending and stretching my aching muscles from being sat for another 4 and a bit hours, hearing light snores from behind me and a warm, forever reminding presence of a hand on my thigh makes you kind of tense.

Reaching into the car, I Leant over Xavier's now waking up form and grabbed my phone from the bag that was sat at his feet.

"Damn..." A voice called behind me, my eyes widening I gripped my phone tighter.

My body snapped straight and turned to the voice of a voice of boys who were watching my movements. 

"Can I help you?" I asked the boys, my tone rather aggressive and uninterested, my grip turning my knuckles white and a burning gaze on my back.

"And those lips..." A boy muttered, lost in the crowd

"Hey Princess, I'm Toby" A voice introduced, his hand shot out trying to shake my hand.

I crossed my arms over my chest and raised an unimpressed eyebrow at the boys actions. He awkwardly made his arm re-join his side, before he cleared his throat, a confident smile flittering onto his lips.

"I didn't catch your name, love?" He added 

I opened my mouth to allow a snarky reply to slip passed my lips, but a voice startled me, by saying "That's because she didn't tell you." 

Turning, I found a now fully awake Xavier, glaring down the group of older men. His eyes and voice scaring a few to take a few retreating steps.

"Sorry dude." The boy called, "Didn't know she was yours."

"I'm not hi-"

Xavier raised his eyebrows, before snaking his one arm around my mid-section and pulling my body gently to his side.

"Yeah, well, now you do." His gruff voice caused an eruption of butterflies to roam free in my stomach and a tsunami of goose-bumps to litter my skin.  

The group slowly dispersed, leaving only him. My body still in his hold, and our friends still sleeping. 

A small smile graced my lips, before a weak "Hi" left my lips. 

A low chuckle escaped Xavier before he whispered "hey."

He placed a small kiss to my temple before releasing my body and banging his hands on the back window. Waking up the remaining party with a scream.

Leaving the car with screaming teenagers, I continued pulling my phone out and dialling the only number I needed to. 

"Mom, momma." I smiled down the phone.

A loud exhale of relief was communicated through the phone before;

"Violet Kingston, where the hell was our half way call?"

"Momma. I'm alive, and fine."

"Yes, but we wanted gossip."
"And what gossip is that mother?"

"How's Xavier?" 

A smile slid onto my lips before answering;

"Just good"

"Yes Momma, Just good. We're good."
"I'm glad. Now, go kiss that boy"

My mother ended with before hanging up the phone.

A light giggle bubbled passed my lips before returning to the car. To find nobody where I left them. 

Narrowing my eyes at the empty car, I went to approach when a hand covered my mouth and another held my waist. Thrashing around, I kicked my foot back into the body. 

I was suddenly dropped, and when ready to attack the person, I found Xavier, red faces and coddling his manhood. 

The three other passengers stood, sat and rolling around in laughter.

Crouching down to the boy, I struggled to keep a smile off my face, "How you doing?" 

"I'm good" He forced out, a line of sweat gathering on his upper lip

"You sure?" I questioned, he nodded, "Good" I added before smacking his head

"What the hell were you thinking, boy?!"

He suddenly threw his arms out, his hands grabbing mine and soon my body fell falling on top of him. 

Placing my hands on his chest I pushed my top half up and looked at the boy who was smiling lightly at me, before looking down. I followed his line of sight to see that his shirt had ridden up and I was straddling his waist, his hands placed on my hips.

Blushing furiously, I got off the boy before turning to our friends who had turned away from the 'moment'. Shaking my head, I watched the boy in question strut passed me, throwing a wink over his shoulder which caused a burst of laughter to spill over my lips. 

Grabbing our luggage to last us the duration of the trip, we decided to check in first before the exploration takes places. 

"Lets get checked in, yeah?" Xavier yelled excitedly over his shoulder, his long legs carrying himself in front of the entire group

Having to run a little to catch up to the group, we arrived at a small B&B Blake found. Walking in I found them by the check in desk. 

I caught up to the group in time to hear the lady behind the counter say, "Three rooms?" 

"Yes" Blake answered a small smile on her face 

"Ok, First room is Damon and Lois, the second room for Blake and the third for Xavier and Violet." The woman stated handing out keys, but the latter of the group was frozen with their mouths open.

"What?" Xavier breathed, his eyes looking to mine

I shrugged my shoulders and we both turned to face Blake but caught the back end of her darting up the stairs. Damon and Lois nowhere to be seen. 

"Have you got another room?" I questioned the woman 

A small frown fell onto her face before shaking her head slowly, "Sorry hun, were fully booked." 

Nodding mutely I took the key from her grasp and followed the directions to our room, Xavier silent beside me. 

Getting to the room, I unlocked the door and continuous laughing tumbled from my lips.

Flower petals were scattered on the king bed, the only bed might I add, with congratulations spelt in little chocolate covered candies. 

"Okay, so tonight is the relax night, then the schedule starts. Friday we explore Duke, then Saturday is Brown and then Yale Sunday and Monday morning. We meet in reception 9:30am. Got it?" I questioned the Stone boy

"Aye, aye Firefly Captain."  

Dropping my bag, I grabbed one of the chocolate from the 'C' and unwrapped the deliciousness before turning to Xavier eyeing the room. His face not showing any indication on how he was feeling.

"I guess we should lighten up, we got free chocolates." I offered a smile on my lips as I popped the chocolate into my mouth, his eyes followed my movements. 

Sitting on the bed, he approached me slowly, standing between my legs, his hand grasped my chin and turned my face to his before a words dropped from his lips.

"This is going to be fun" 

Then he smirked.

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