III - Boy Wonder and Firefly

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It was currently 10:45, all of the hired performers had done their shows but now its just drunken karaoke. My favourite time of the night.

And somehow my mom had been dragged up ton sing a duet of grease lightening with our very own drag waiter, Marco. Or Cherrr, as his drag persona prefers. 

My mom, stood their as stiff as a board as Marco shaking her body forcefully, had myself and the other workers in a giggling mess. Some of us slightly tipsy. 

One of our rules here if that if your offered a drink, you drink it. My mom set up the rule when I was 11, and I'm assuming that she hoped I wouldn't work here because, this is where I get my free alochol supply from. Just a mere 3 years later I started my job and now at the ripe age of 17 almost 18, I'm on track to being an alcoholic. Joking. 

We keep the rules from mamma, because of the lawyer side of her, but sometimes we can't hide it. Especially on a holiday or celebration of some kind; For example the pride parade or the queer film festivals.  

As the song finished, my mother thrusted the mic into Marco's out stretched hands, and rushed off stage in a mess of a red flush and embarrassment. And neither did my laughing or my co-workers laughing help defuse the situation. 

After a moment of rush for new drinks before the next ask I watched as a lean man, dressed in a loose fit black shirt took the stage. His back facing away from the crowd until the music started playing.

Sex bomb broadcasted through the speakers, allowing myself to erupt in laughter, waiting for the body to turn around and when he did, all colour was drawn from my face. 

Stood singing, was Joey. Golden boy Joey in my Bar. Well my moms but mine. Wailing out from around the bar, I walked towards our DJ, Kenny. 

"You know him?" I pondered, trying to not look so suspicious. 

He shook his head before answering, "Nah, his friends signed him up." Kenny spoke as he gestured behind me. 

Turning I found Damon and Xavier laughing and clapping along to their friends performance, which was his grinding the floor currently. Rubbing a hand over my face and then through my hair. I smiled at Kenny before walking back towards the bar. 

Shortly after the performance, we had the rush of people wanting to get their drinks, and a few getting shots.

I'd just finished serving hen party when I called, "What can I get yah?", as I wiped my hands on my ass getting the spilt vodka off.

"Well, well, well" a voiced called

Looking up I found 'the boys', raising an eyebrow I spoke "If you don't want anything, I still got a job to do." 

I went to turn around when a voice spoke something that made my blood boil, "Ah now I see why your not into me. Your a licker!" 

Turning round, I threw my fist out. Hitting the boys jaw before strutting around the bar, my heels clicking angrily on the floor as I grabbed Damon by his ear and dragging him outside, with his friends shouting at me as I exited the building. 

"First of all, I'm not gay." I shouted, looking at the boy, I smirked in approval as blood dripped down his nose, spreading in the crease of his lips, "And If I was it's nothing to do with you. But my Moms are, and you disrespected them in my eyes. Oh and your barred. Congrats. A straight guy getting barred from a gay bar." 

I turned to leaver when a hand clamped on my arm, "Remove it, before you lose it." I threated whoever it was 

The hand didn't move, but I felt a face move closer to my ear, heat radiating off him and my skin observing it. 

"Watch out, firefly." the voice spoke, sending prickles of ending nerves spread throughout my back.

"Are you threatening me, boy wonder?" I questioned, trying to sound brave. But on the inside I was petrified. 

After a few tense seconds my arm was ripped from the guys grasp and I was held back wards into the chest of my mother. 

"Get goin' boys." my mom called, pulling my back and towards the bar, but not before I caught a glimpse of 'the boys'. 

One looking at his friend disapprovingly, one looking guilty and the only glaring right at me. So much hatred laced in his dark eyes. 

Dragging me into the back of the bar, my mother assessed my body, head to toe and when was happy with her finding no damage, minus the broken skin of my bloody knuckle. She glared. 

"What the hell was you thinking, Violet? They could have all ganged up on you for hurting their friend." She scolded me, almost as if I was a child.

"He was being a Jackass, mom." I defended, before adding "Plus he is a jackass."

"And you know him, or rather them, how?" She questioned, placing a threatening hand on her suited hip. 

"They're in school with me." I added 

"Violet!" My mother yelled, "Is this going to start trouble with you at school? Wait, they're underaged. Your mother is going to have a field day with this." My mother half questioned and stressed.

"Highly unlikely. They'll probably forget by Monday and move onto their next nerd in heels" I joked before leaving my mother, plastering fake smile on my face and walking back to the bar. 

They definitely won't forget this by Monday.

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