XIX - Lucifer

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Finally scurrying away from my forth period class, I sprinted to the cafeteria, managing not to fall in my ankle boots. 

Getting in the hall I find that only Xavier is currently at the table. The clicking of my shoes approaching his gains his attention. Slipping in the seat opposite the boy, I ran my tounge over my teeth before opening my mouth. 

As words were going to escape my mouth, Joey slides on to the table with a scowl adorning his child-like face. 

Diminishing my question I was about to fire like bullets at the boy, I turned to Joey and asked, "What's wrong, sweet cheeks?" 

His face lit a bright red before words overflowed his lips. "Lois and Damon. They're in love with eachother but they're both afraid of saying it to the other in fear of rejection. Exactly like you-" 

After he promply cut himself off, I questioned "Like me- what?" 

Joey elbowed Xavier and signalled that he needed food. That meaning he forced his bottom lip out and blinked constantly, his hands clasped in a prayer gesture. Xavier glared at him before jumping up and talking in the way of the dinner line, students parted a way for him, fear echoed on their faces as he reached the front of the dinner line, ahead of everyone waiting.

Figuring out his motives, I turned to the boy, I exclaimed, "Everyone knows?!"

His face scrunched up in sheepishly but his eyes remained on my face. "Well not everyone?" 

"Who doesn't know then?" I questioned the boy, my emotions getting the better of me.

"Baby Stone" He offered weakly, his hands still held in front of him.

Staring at him, it finally registered. Everyone knew. "Xavier?" 

He looked me in the eyes before nodding slowly, his eyes waiting for a reaction. My eyes watered, before I asked "How long?"


"How long?" I shouted at the boy, a furious tear slipping down my face. 

Slapping it away, I continued to glare at the boy. My heart now laying in wait to be stabbed on the red cafeteria table.

"A while. Few weeks maybe." He replied, his eyes focusing on the cateria entrance before back on me 

Standing up, I grabbed my bag and turned. Unaware I had grabbed the entire cafetrias attention, including my best friend and the man I love. 

Staring at the man I love, betrayal echoed on my face as another tear rolled down my face. His eyes followed the tear until it pooled and dropped off my chin.  

Shaking my head, I walked away from the group and out of the cateria, intending on going home. But a hand grabbed mine, pulling my body to a stop. 

Ripping my hand away as if it burned, I turned and face the person stopping me. Xavier. 

"You knew?" I spoke, my voice small and weak, my throat slowly closing and the air struggling to escape. 

He nodded, his uncharacteristic volume-ized hair falling into his eyes. His red, lonely, tired eyes. Watching my moves, my delays and reading my emotions.

"I need to hear you say it." 

"I knew." He answered before explaining, "I figured out what lucifer meant, my mother help me unintentionally." 

I was hoping that the heartbreak would've come earlier, but now that I was feeling it, I wish it never came. I wish I never fell in love with someone who was unable of loving me back. 

Turning from the boy, I walked away shouting, "See yah on the college tour." 

Before exiting the school, and making my way home. Tearing streamimng down my face as I felt the cracks dispurse over the organ, that I now call my broken heart. 

Getting home not long after, I threw my clothes off my body and abandoned my boots by the toilet. Discarding my contact, I allowed my second biggest insecurity become known to the world of my bathroom, and then climbed into the shower bath combo, the water drowning out my cries.

My knees bent, my one arm securing them in place my other swirling the water that had gathered around my body. My sobs turned to silent escapees racing down my face, my body no longer racked with harsh cries, but numb to any pain.

The water cascading over my shivering body, dripping down my face and bouncing off my lips with my harsh pants of heartbreak.

My mascara stained face rested on my knees facing the pale tiles wall, a slight reflection of my weak and pathetic body shimmering in shine of the pale blue tiles. 

My soaked hair clung to my back, its ends submerged in water. My emotions stopped, my only thought is that 'he willingly hurt me'. He knew.

A series of soft knocks sounded on the door. The sounds bouncing around the room in a flurry of thunderous rage. Turning my head to face the door I saw my moms, one face scrunched in pain and sympathy and the other engrossed in scolding rage, but they both soon turned to worry. 

Their bodies raced to the side of the bath, one reaching to a comforting squeeze of my hand and the other one arm wrapped around my head, placing a soft kiss to my temple. Mustering up a pathetic smile, for a sound of what I can only describe of a strangled cat ripped through me. 

Soon enough, the hand was removed from mine and another body joined me in the bath, fully clothed in a black pantsuit. 

A startled laugh left my sore throat as I watched my mamma try to cross her legs in the now very restricting, soggy material. 

Usually, I'm self conscious of my naked body, even with my moms, but right now. I need them more than ever. My best friends. 

"Lois called. Told us about Lunch." My momma stated lifting my chin so my face faced her and my moms. 

"He knew." I spoke, my voice horse and cracking, "He's known for weeks." 

A tear slid down my moms face, and then another until she was sobbing. I quickly followed suit. Then soon enough all three of us were crying. Myself, naked and wet. My momma uncomfortable and soggy. And my mom. My mom relating to teenage heart break. The same she experience when pregnant with me. 

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