VIII - I'm Violet

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After my ruthless hangover on Saturday and my 'bollocking' from my Mamma, its finally Monday. And I regret whatever I did as soon as I left the bar. Not remembering being the bitch more than the hangover.

Deciding to dress up slightly, I had blue jeans on a sleeveless, low hanging shirt and ankle boots. Putting my basic eyeliner on as well as a small winged, I finished straightening my hair before placing my contacts in and leaving for the kitchen.

As soon as I entered the kitchen my mom's went silent. Grabbing a pop tart, I left the kitchen eating it cold and left for school.

Arriving at School, I found Lois and Damon in a competition on who could swallow who first. And I actually think my girl is winning.

Walking up to the pair, I cleared my throat. Nothing. Coughing seemed to have the same effect. Slapping them upside the head, that got me the attention I wanted.

"Oh, Hey Violet. How are you after Friday?"

"You saw me after work?" I questioned the boy, eyeing my friend. Waiting for an reaction.

"All of us did. Do you not remember?" Damon questioned, seeming to care.

"I remember when I was drinking but after is a bit of a blur. But my Mamma ripped me a new one Saturday." I replied, shuddering at the memory.

"Violet Mary Kingston, are we boring you?" My friend scolded me, "Plus you look really nice today, my friend."

"Sorry, Kind of freaked at the thought of Mamma being the bad Cop. With me and mom." I giggled nervously, before adding "And thanks, thought I'd switch it up a bit."

Looking back at Lois, I saw her looking behind me. Turning I saw something that hurt me and I don't know why.

Xavier was facing me, but it looked like he was flirting. In all his years in high school I don't think anyone has seen him flirting.

The girl turned around and she was beautiful. Obviously new. She looked like a modern. Blonde hair sat smooth a sleek on her shoulders, her blue eyes standing out the most.

Looking back at Xavier, his eyes were already on me. My eye widened for being caught before I bid the pair a goodbye before rushing into the school.

Rushing to my locker, I had come to the comclusion that I wasn't hurt, or jealous, I'm just due for my period and it was a cramp. And nobody is telling me any different.

Closing my locker, a small scream left my lips as a face was all up in my personal bubble. Then I curse because my Biology book fell on my foot.

"Shit! I'm sorry" The boy voiced, reaching down to get my books as I leant against the locker, holding my breath to make sure I didn't snap at the boy

Opening my eyes, I see Noah. One of the football players. Holding all my books that I dropped. Grabbing the books from his hands, I opened my mouth but quickly shut it. He had a glowing smile spread across his face which made it kind of difficult to look at, like the sun.

"Why are you here?" I decided to ask the boy.

"Ah, right. Hi Violet" He started


"My names Noah" He answered

"I know, I wasn't looking for you to fill in the gap. I was waiting for you what your doing at my locker trying to give me a heart attack."

"Right. Well, I was wondering if you wanted to go out sometime?" He questioned, ringing his hands slightly

Noah is a football boy. Big and burly. Short spiky hair on top of his head and crystal blue holes on his face. Charming overall and Cute.

"You mean a date?" I questioned the boy, and with my answer his smile grew. I didn't think it was possible, but it did.

"Uh, Yeah." He spoke, scratching the back of his neck. He pulled some paper out of his bag and wrote his number on it before passing it to me, "Text me if you do, or text me if you don't. I can try and convince you"

And with that he walked away with a little spring in his step. Looking around the corridor, I found it empty. Great. I was late for class, again.

My first few period were either my selected classes or my AP classes, but when lunch came around. I didn't run to the lunch hall. And when I did get there so was my food.

Sitting down, the boys soon followed. All except for Xavier and his new 'friend'. But when he did arrive, she wasn't with him.

Conversations flowed, I joined a little but not much. That was until Lois asked, "Why is Noah Moss walking towards us?"

My head snapped up, looking around franticly and the boy was in fact committing social suicide. I swallowed what was left in my mouth before turning to the boy.


"Hi" I replied, feeling awkward

"So, I haven't got a text yet." He replied almost annoyed at the lack of myself trying to jump him.

"Haven't made my mind up yet. Women don't like to be rushed" I replied taking a sip of my water.

I watched his eyes follow the trail of water that escaped the bottle that fell down my chin, brushing it away subconsciously, I continued to stare at the boy.

"Anything else Noah?" I questioned the boy

"Uh, Nah. Hope to hear from you." He answered before kissing my cheek and walking away.

Rolling my eyes, I looked towards my friends. Wait, Friends. I have more than Lois and my Mom's. That's a miracle.

"You're not Blushing." Lois stated shocked

"And?" I asked laughing slightly

"You would usually be blushing like mad. What's changed?" She questioned

Subconsciously my eyes wandered towards him, and to make it normal. I tried to make it look casual, but she caught it muttering an "Uhh"

But she quickly changed the subject before anyone caught it, "So, where is Blake?"

"Blake?" I questioned

A cheery voice behind me chirped "Here" before sitting next to me, offering me a smile.

And I tried to stop the cramps, but they hurt more when I saw her. Fuck it. I'm jealous. I'm God damn jealous of a model. Plus I'm not due for another 2 weeks. 

My eyes froze on the girl and Lois piped up amused, "Xavier's cousin."

"Cousin" I breathed in relief closing my eyes before looking towards a smirking looking Lois.

"I'm Violet." I introduced to the girl with a huge smile stretched across my face.

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