XXIX - In the Future?

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Dear diary, 

What ifs. The unreasonable voice nagging in the back of your head, asking the questions you wanted to avoid. 

It had been a few months since I last seen any of my paternal family, but the card still weighed heavy in my purse. The what ifs. What if we ould have a relationship? But they havent exactly tried, so why should I.

But then my brain decides to ask me, "Are we being childish?". Maybe I am, But I have plenty of time to decide if I want a relationship with any of them.  I've actually had a lot of time to think about it. 

Lets catch up on my life at the moment. I'm in college. We're all in college, the adjusting period for being away from Lois is a struggle, but facetime works wonders on a longing heart. But Xavier does help, as much as he can anyways.

I'm now well into my second year of college. Xavier and I have moved in together. College is going well for everyone, other than Lois. The girl is now 3 month pregnant, and were not sure who the father is. Her and Damon were on a break and she got drunk...

Now they're struggling with their feeling for each other, and the possibility that she might be, or might not be carrying his baby.

Since the break up, it has put our friendship group off balance, but the one constant that never changes is Xavier. He has his moods swings every once in a while, like many of us. But he no longer pushes me away. He's not hesitant when he tells me he loves me. And he still calls me Firefly and I still call him boy wonder. 

All I know is, life is good. I'm happy and I see my future. I wake up with him. I fall asleep with him.

Signing off 

Closing my diary, a new way of keeping track of my thoughts and feelings apparently, I looked up at Xavier who was munching away at a bowl of cereal in front of me. 

"Hey." I whispered at the boy, leaning forward and kissing his cheek. 

All he did was give me a goofy smile, cereal falling out of his mouth before offering me a spoon. 

Taking a bite, I cringed at the sweetness of the cereal before walking away from the boy. 

Looking back over my shoulder, I smiled. My happiness, my future, my home. 

The End. 

If you're reading this, congrats! You finished the book. I can't thank you enough for taking the time out to actually read this. I do apologise for any grammar mistakes. I hope you enjoyed this book, if you didn't. Then sorry, I guess ;)

Till next time...

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