IX - Beaches Bitches

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The rest of the week flew by, and I get along really well with Blake, surprisingly. More than I do Lois. Whenever she gets the chance she teases me. Apparently I called Xavier, Lucifer.

I'm more or less screwed. I decided, I will avoid all of them. No friends for the weekend. But that didn't got to plan when two girls dived onto my bed waking me up.

And when I refused. My Mom's carried me downstairs and dropped me outside. And then we all realised what I was wearing. Sitting up, I also realised that my friends also saw what I am wearing.

Matching bralette and short pyjama bottoms. Scurrying up off the grass, I happily accepted the jacket of my momma and wrapped my body in her suit jacket before turning back to my friends, now covered.

"And you guys are here, why?" I asked, angling my face so only my brown eyes was visible, my hair acting as a curtain to try and conceal the colour.

"We are going to the beach" Joey and Blake screeched in a voice that would make dogs uncomfortable.

"The beach?" I questioned them

"Yes, firefly. The beach." Xavier commented, seemingly bored.

Turning to Lois, I commented "Glad you could bring Lucifer here." 

My mom muttered 'Lucifer' under her breathe, whilst my momma squealed 'Lucifer'. 

Grabbing my Mom's hands, I lead them to my room, sat them down and then went hunting in my closet for a swimming costume.

"That's him, huh?" Mom asked, catching the back end of my explaining of what 'Lucifer' means.

It's the cat from Cinderella that you can't hate to love.

"Wait. You knew?" Mamma yelled, before turning to me "You went to the most butch of us and told her your guy problems."

"Mamma, I was drunk. So it's not really my fault. I am a chatty Drunk."

"You are." My mom answered, looking disturbed.

Picking up a baby blue bikini, I asked hoping for approval and the head nods secured my outfit. Quickly running a brush through my hair and putting in my contact I slipped into the bikini and a lose shirt and jean shorts, I exited my room with sandals in hand.

Getting a bag of my Mom with money and a towel, I quickly grabbed sun cream. Sun cream is a must for a ginger person and then we were off.

I was sat by the door. Then it was Xavier and then Joey, who was on the phone to his girlfriend. Blake was driving with her dog in the front seat.

Lois and Damon was in his fast sports car, always slowing down to just over take us. Slipping in earphones, I closed my eyes and faced my head into the car, away from the window.

Unplugging an earphone, I offered one to Xavier who hesitated at first but gladly accepted when Joey started making kissing sounds.

His head turned to face mine and I closed my eyes, humming along to the song. Opening my eyes slightly I saw Xavier looking at me, but this time he didn't look away when I caught him. This time he held his gaze before closing his eyes, listening to the music.

Okay, maybe 2% of the time.

Arriving the beach, half way through All Time lows latest album, I was buzzed and forgotten about my plan. The first on the beach was Blake and her dog, Siri. Then Damon who was carrying Lois, who was giggling out of control.

"Do you miss that?" I asked Joey , watching the pair travelling to the beach.

He looked at me before looking back at the couple before muttering, "Yeah. You want that?"

Looking at him, I whispered "Yes." before walking away and towards the beach.

Walking straight passed my friends, I stood at where the tide met the sand and just stood. Staring at the rippling of the waves, and listening to the laughing of the seagulls.

Closing my eyes, I gripped my sling bag tighter. Allowing my senses to take control, The salt in the air making my throat dry and my eyes watery.

When I was younger the beach was the best place in the world for me. It's where everything was perfect and it wouldn't be ruined. It still is. It's just this time, I've missed it more than I'd like to admit.

Turning back to my friends, I sprinted to them before throwing myself down between Joey and Lois.

"I love the beach" I muttered, resting my head on the crook of Joey's elbow.

"I know" Lois whispered back, sending me a small smile.

Reaching into my bag, I rubbed sun cream everywhere and I mean, everywhere. Before laying back down on my towel and letting the sun beat down on me.

"Coming to the water?" Lois asked, I quickly nodded. Still dressed in my shirt, I slipped the top off my body before dropping it in my bag.

Looking up I see everyone except for Lois staring at me. Raising my eyebrow, I followed their eye line towards my tattoo on my hip.

It's a beautiful flower design that has leaves and stems running through the design. My hand runs over the tattoo before looking back up.

"I got it when I was sixteen."

I hooped arms with Lois and walked towards the water. And when we were close enough, we ran. We ran like little children who had never seen the blue of the water before. As soon as it was deep enough. I dived down. My wet hair tickled my back as I resurfaced in the water, with a brilliant smile transforming my face.

Looking at my friends they all had a smile on their face also, even Xavier. My smile toned down into a mellowed smile, but I continued to smile at him.

"So" A voice broke beside me.

Jumping, I placed a hand over my heart to see a smug looking Blake. "How long you liked him?"

"I -uh- I don't know what your talking about" I stuttered walking away from her and the group. Further out the water.

"I saw the smile, and his for the matter of a fact." She stated, catching up beside me, "You're so into him."

Turning around, my eyes flittered around our surroundings before saying, "I'm not so into him"

"But you like him."

"Yes!" I yelled, which caught the attention of our friends, smiling them off I turned to the girl muttering, "Yes, I like him. Now please drop it Blake. Because its never going top happen."

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