XXV - Mine and yours

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Waking up in a comfortable bed became a surprise, and waking up to a boy, in nothing but an off-white towel is a different surprise, of which I slightly enjoyed. 

But alas, it was short lived when the person turned around and that one action allowed my face to have taken on the shade of a tomato. But I knew this time, it wasn't just my cheeks that changed colour, oh no, it was my entire face, neck and parts of my arm. The luck of a ginger. 

"Morning." The stone boy called, before disappearing into the bathroom with clothes in hand. 

Staring after where he went, I tried to remember of a time when I woke up during the night and found nothing. I definitely did not walk to this bed. 

Slipping out, I found I was in the same clothes I wore yesterday when leaving duke, the only thing missing was my boots. 

Finding my bag, I threw on a brown leather skirt, black long sleeved shirt and my knee boots, zipping them up just in time to find a fully dressed Xavier leaning against the door frame. 

Walking past the boy and into the bathroom, I questioned, "How'd I get to bed?" Whilst squeezing some toothpaste onto my brush

He just shrugged and continued to watch me do my routine. But he was quickly pushed out when the toilet was calling to me. 

Looking in the mirror, I checked my eye and saw the redness had mostly disappeared and slid in a contact, my blue eye now back to the dull brown. 

Leaving the bathroom, Xavier was waiting by the door, and turned as he called, "Lets get moving." 


Finding Lois was easy, she was the loudest person in the restaurant when we arrived for breakfast. 

"And he just glared and picked her up, and I wished he would do the same." She joked, jabbing Damon with her rib, "But apparently, there is only one perfect man and he's taken."

Sitting, I turned to the girl and asked, "Who is this perfect man?" A smile adorning my face 

"Your boyfriend, silly." She commented, looking between myself and the boy in question.

Then silence. Xavier's arm was relaxed behind my shoulders, but me, I was as straight as an ironing board. 

My mouth opened and closed, gaping like a fish. Not knowing what to say, until "He's not my boyfriend." 

Xavier removed his arm and leant forward, his face turning to me slightly, "Then what am I?" He questioned 

"I don- I don't know." I answered meekly, "We haven't-"

"Do you like me?" He questioned, an eyebrow raised 

"What are we? twelve? Yes, I like you." I answered in an annoyed tone 

"And I like you." He replied, "it isn't that hard." 

Looking at the boy, I narrowed my eyes, about to tell him that his answer doesn't clear anything up. 

He signed, before asking, "Will you be my girlfriend?" 

Tapping my fingers on my chin, I hummed before answering, "Sure." 

A bright smile fluttered onto his face, before he nodded and turned around. Damon cheered whereas Lois and Blake clasped hands and awed. 

Smiling, I turned back to Lois and questioned, "What were you talking about earlier?" 

A look of recognition passed her face before she answered, "When you boyfriend carried you to bed because he didn't want to wake you." 

Smiling slightly, I reached under the table and squeezed his hand when I found it, then pulled away but he had other ideas flutter around under his mop of hair when his hand clutched mine and dropped into my lap. 

"So, you all ready to explore today. The university named after a colour!" Blake muttered sarcastically, clapping her hand earning many glares. 

"Hey, its a good school." I commented, playing with Xavier's fingers.

She gave me a look that screamed 'really?' before signed and slouching into her seat. 

We all sooner left, but not before Xavier pulled my body to his side, his arm wrapped around my waist. 

"You know something?" I questioned the boy 

Raising an eyebrow, he turned to me and questioned, "What?"

Smiling, I answered, "I never thought you'd be like this..." 

"Like what?"

"I don't know, clingy..." I answered 

"I'm not clingy." He stated, his arm tightening 

"Hey, it's not a bad thing, I kind of like it. Possessive." I commented 

He spun me around so we were chest to check and whispered, "You like possessive, Huh?" 

Slowly nodding, I watched a sly smile slip smoothly onto his lips before he yanked my face forward, his hands latching into my hair giving me no choice but to kiss back.

Pulling away, gasping he muttered, "Now everyone knows, your mine" 

My eyes widening, I watched as he pecked my lips lightly before adding, "And I'm yours..."

Smiling with mischief, I whispered, "I don't remember saying I was yours..." 

He laughed darkly before saying, "You were mine the minute you kicked Damon's ass, the minute I watched you walk, talk and laugh. You were mine, and you always will be."

He ran a finger down my face, his index catching my lip, pulling it down with his fingers before releasing it. He leaned loser, his lips brushing mine before he commented, "I'll make sure everyone knows your mine, when you scream my name and when its me that makes your body burns red when I just look at you. And if anyone else thinks they can have you, I'll show them that your mine." 

Biting my lip lightly, I whispered, "I'm yours, and only yours. And your mine, and only mine." 

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