Chapter 31

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On his bed, I pull my knees to my chest and lean against him. He wraps his arms around me and pulls me closer to him.

"God I love you." Will mutters against my head. "When I first met you I was scared of the feelings I had for you after our first date and I tried so hard to feel the same way about the other girls, but it just didn't work."

"I love you too." I say smiling not knowing something else to say. I position my head so that I could see his face and smile at his smile.

He leans in closer to me and presses his lips against my own. Short and simple declaring his love for me in those few simple moments. I couldn't help but not want it to end when he pulls away.

"We probably should start the movie or I'll never be able to let you go." Will says smiling. I let out a soft laugh and put my head to his chest.

What I really didn't expect was to fall asleep in the middle of the movie.


I wake up with my head against Will's hard chest and his light breathing. I realize my glasses were safely on the nightstand beside of them and the covers were pulled pulled up to my chin.

I sit up and cause Will's eyes to blink open also. I immediately regret staying so tired all the time.

"I'm so sorry. I should've went downstairs when I realized I was tired." I apologize quickly starting to pull the covers away from me.

"Relax." Will says softly and pulls me by my arm closer to him and onto the bed. "That was the best I've slept in months."

"Seriously?" I ask as he convinces me to lay back down.

"Yeah. But you really don't have to leave so soon. We might as well finish the movie." Will shrugs and sits up enough to grab the remote.

"Won't we be late for breakfast?" I ask, panicked, realizing my maids would be worried if I wasn't there when they went to get me ready so. 

"We are not having breakfast today because the surprise is soon. Breakfast should be brought up here soon though; yours and mine. And don't worry your maids have been notified that you fell asleep up here." Will finished and I search my mind for anything else to worry about.

"I hate your perfectness sometimes." I huff and lay against him yet again.

"I know." I can practically feel the smile playing on his face and I simply roll my eyes.

He turns the movie on and we continue watching it and of course, as we'd both expected, I'd ended up crying by the end of it.

"It was so funny the entire time though, why would they kill her?" I ask unbelievably. "It's like a comedic nightmare."

He throws his head back in laughter as he finishes his biscuit.

"You figure out the surprise soon. You'll probably get a small idea when you go downstairs to your room." He says smiling.

"Oooh." I hum and stand from his bed. "I'm going to go downstairs now. Should I be expecting to see you soon?" I ask.

"I believe so." Will smiles and stands beside of me, handing me my glasses. "Hope your excited."

"You haven't failed to impress me yet." I say truthfully and place a short kiss on his cheek.

"How touching." Will says kissing my forehead. I laugh and make my way downstairs and into my room. 

When I walk in my room my maids stand together with wide eyes and turn to me with emotions I couldn't place in their eyes.

"Did something happen between you and the prince last night?" Amelia asked with a sly grin on her face. My eyes widen as I realize that must've looked bad to anyone who was clueless of what the night consisted of.

"Oh no." I say quickly. "I promise." I say and laugh nervously. "We were just watching a movie and I fell asleep. Which is really embarrassing."

"Well why is it embarrassing? He was sweet about letting us know because we were beginning to panic." Liliana laughs and sits on one side of me while Amelia sits on the other side.

I finally take my time to look around the room and see one large, one small suitcase lying on the ground. They weren't my own.

"What are the bags for?" I raise my eyebrow and they pass a glance between them.

"They are yours." Liliana smiles. "We've been notified you will be leaving for a few days along with the other girls to a short excursion. Prince's treat."

A grin spreads across my face as I realize what the surprise was. I'd get to go on another trip and explore.

"When do I leave?" I ask with wild eyes.

"We have about thirty minutes to get you ready." Amelia smiles and I stand gleefully and hug each of the girls.

"I'm so excited!" I exclaim.

"We will help take your bags down and then see you off on the plane." Liliana smiles and they stand and start to brush my hair out and run over it with a straightening iron.

They put me in a simple short white dress with sleeves that met my elbow and made of a thick material.

"Everything you need should be in here and if you have a problem with something just let one of the butlers there know and they can get ahold of us and we can sort something out." Amelia says as she rushes me out the door and down the stairs.

Once we were on the first floor with the other girls I hug each of my maids before wishing them a good few days of break.

"I'll miss you both." I tell them with a smile.

"You'll only be gone for a few days." Liliana laughs with Amelia and I both following.

"I know, but I'll miss you never the less." I grin and wave to them as they leave me in the lobby with the other girls.

I feel a warm hand on the small of my back and look up with curious eyes though I already knew who the hand belonged to.

"Happy birthday." Will says quietly close to my ear. My eyes widen in surprise and I fully turn around to him. Somehow it had slipped my mind from when I'd last thought of it. I'd decided I wouldn't tell anyone because I'd be afraid someone would be bothered by it.

"How'd you know?" I ask with an amused smile on my face.

"James told me." Will smirks proudly, knowing he'd won this one.

"Wait you didn't do this because it was my birthday, did you?" I ask, now feeling guilty.

"Maybe." Will shrugs and picks my biggest bag up and starts toward the plane where everyone else walked to.

"You really shouldn't have." I tell him as I catch up with my other bag.

"That's why I didn't tell you about it." I roll my eyes at his arrogance and I can see him laughing ahead of me.

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