Chapter 55

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After our reunion, Will pushes the door open inside the house and in the living room I see familiar faces. The royal family.

Paige bounced off the couch and slips up to me in a restrained sort of run. We both smile as we see each other for the first time in a while and at the same time we seem to go in for a hug. She pulls at neck tightly and then holds me at arm's length.

"It's been a while." Paige smiles at me. I can't help but smile back, but I feel the pressure of everyone's eyes on me. I hug her again and pull her ear close to my mouth.

"I feel out of place." I mutter to her. She pulls back with an encouraging grin.

"But you belong here." She says quietly and finds my hand and touches the ring. "This ring says so."

I breathe out and nod. I feel Will's soft hand on the small of my back. It wasn't something out of the ordinary and it almost felt casual. I turn around and meet his gaze.

"Don't worry." He tells me quietly so only I can hear it, but honestly, as happy as I was to be here, I don't think I'd ever be ready to talk to his parents about this.

He gently pushes me closer to the group of couches and chairs where his family sit. Paige follows us and sits on one side of me while Will takes the other. I keep my head low and try and avoid making direct eye contact with the king and Queen.

"I've already talked to them about it." Will says directed at me. I look up for the first time and the queen is smiling at me with the king whispering something in her ear.

"There is really no need to feel nervous, dear. I've been in your exact position already." The Queen says comfortingly to me. I manage a smile and wipe my sweaty palms on my jeans.

"You might want to relax. Your posture is as stiff as a board." Paige whispers in my ear and I realize I was really uptight. I loosen my arms and try and keep my unsteady hands from shaking.

"I'm not supposed to say this but you were my first pick." The Queen says. I force a laugh with everyone else and it slowly becomes natural. I was honestly surprised the queen took a liking to me so easily.

"I'm going to take Autumn up to her room. We will be back down for dinner." Will says and begins to stand. I stand behind him and follow him up the stairs with my puny bag. We are on the second floor where two hallways lead off of the main room. "My parents room and Paige's room are that way and my room and your room is that way."

I see the hint of a smile on his face as he reaches his hand back for me to take his. I cross my right hand over to his left where I stand behind him and find it easy to hide my smile.

He pushes open a white door and a beautiful room stands in front of me. The bed was wide and the walls were painted a light shade of turquoise. There was a cushioned window seat on the opposite wall with a window that had the blinds pulled open.

"It's beautiful." I murmur, but I was hardly surprised. Everything was big with royalty, I'd realized long ago. We both walk into the room and he shuts the door behind him. "What made you change your mind?" I ask as soon as the door was closed. He didn't seem to need an explanation of what I meant and caught on immediately.

"The Rebel team, the ones that enforced the government shutdown. Their plans have been shut down by our resources. We are going back to the palace after we are sure everything is safe, but we've been in the clear for a few weeks now." Will says with mixed emotions floating in his eyes.

"Everything is okay now?" I almost didn't believe it. This is what I had been waiting for for months. "It's all under control?"

"Everything's Fine. We are all safe." Will says and walks over to me with his hands outstretched to hold onto mine. I take his, but I was almost too stunned to reply.

"It's going to be exactly like it was supposed to be before this." I breathe and begin to smile.

"Everything is fine. You're going to be the princess soon." Will smile and pulls me into a tight embrace.

"That's so scary." I breathe as we sit on the window seat side by side. I was happy more than anything but I was scared to death.

"Don't think too much about it." Will says and kisses my hairline and stays there for a few seconds without pulling away. "I'm really glad you are back."

"Me too." I laugh barely and lean my head against his chest, listening to his steady heartbeat. I feel his fingers draw unrecognizable shapes on the small of my back.

"I wanted to talk to you about something." Will says quietly. "I think we should open up the government again, stronger than ever."

"What do you mean?" I ask, confused.

"As we announce the reopening of the government I think we should get married the day of. If you want a live wedding that is." Will quickly adds.

"I think that would be nice." I say and look out to the beach outside the window.

"And we could fly your family in." Will says which makes me smile happily. "People are scared and still afraid by the government shutdown and I think this will really help everyone become more confident."

"That seems perfect." I say and smile. "When do you think we are leaving back to the palace?"

"Maybe a week. So we have that long to plan everything and make it perfect." Will says and squeezes my hand a bit. "I'll let you get settled in. I'll be back in a half hour for dinner. Your bathroom is through that door and the closet is through that one."

"Okay." I say and stand up as he leaves. He kisses me quickly before leaving my room. I sit on the bed and stare up at the ceiling. I didn't have anything to unpack so I just enjoyed the peace and quiet.

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