« Floral | 2 the Top »

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"Don't Tell me. My stomach is doing flips right now" i sighed trying not to look at the computer.

Baz eyes were big as sango name appeared on my screen.

"Answer it"

I said pacing back and forth as i heard them talking. Baz jumped up and down as i leaped over the couch, watching him press the speaker button.

[" Your album FLORAL, stats are in. Metacritic 95 based of 39 of the top music sources. 8.5 based off of 2241 music ratings. You just scored your first number one album on billboard. Your single 'cave me in' is number one on the hit 100, and 'like this' is now five times platinum "]

He spoke as i screamed out jumping on the couch.

["also. . . "]

There was a long pause as Baz walked up to me holding the phone.

["three hundred and sixty five thousand pure albums sold, and another hundred thousand in streams for your first week. Unbelievable Floral, un-Fucking-believeable"]

He yelled through the phone as i screamed jumping up and down on the couch.

["Come by the label tomorrow"]

"Ok" i yelled jumping over the couch. "Thank you man" i hugged Baz as i grabbed my phone dancing across the living room.

"Take the rest of the weekend off, Monday be ready to help plan my solo tour" i sung out moonwalking across the floor.

"You deserve it boss, congratulations" he said as he walked out the door.

Opening the twitter app as i scrolled through my feed.

[ S/o to y'all 465,000 including streams first week!!!!?. #Floral #1onbillboard #Likethis 5x Plat!! #cavemein number 1 on BB #Hot100 BRUHHHHHHHH. Video coming soon, tour dates coming soon. Y'all want a meet and greet? Hashtags your favorite song.]

I tweeted flopping down on the couch as i watched the tweets roll in by the thousands.

My personal phone rung as i leaned up from the couch walking over grabbing it.


i thought as the FaceTime call just rung. I hit ignore as the call came through again. Only family had my personal number.

Ignoring the call again, as the FaceTime call came back through.

Slowly sliding the green button as connecting crossed the green. His army print uniform was visible as his white teeth glowed in the dimmed room.

{"You were over there scared to answer}

He laughed as i shook my head looking at him.
"Didn't know who was calling at this time"
{"your sister gave me this number, she said you would answer this line, but i wanted to send you some love. I actually bought your album off iTunes."}
His smile made me blush as i hid my face away from the screen.
"I appreciate the support Nolan, you've always supported my dreams. Thank you"
{"That's what friends are for, support you know, so i have a question?"}
He moved into the light so i could see his face.
"What's on your mind?"
{"Bit of you, who did you write that for? Because them lyrics sounds kinda familiar to the letter i found a while ago. . ."}

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