Bonus Chapter 1: Visiting Hell

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(Riley's POV)

"I need to leave you for a few days, Ori-luv." I didn't know exactly for how long, but it had to be done. 

My hands pulled up Oriana's top and touched my baby girl, kicking in my amazing freaking fantastic mate's tummy. And then there was my other daughter, all grown up, beautiful, asking for my help, standing in the next room. I felt like I'd fathered two daughters, though, in reality, I knew this thinking was just plain stupid. 

I didn't even know how it was possible for her and Riana to coexist together. Oriana had said there had to be only one in existence occupying the same space. Apparently, Riana's time travel was different. Seriously why was that? I was still hearing the heartbeat, feeling the kick beneath my fingertips. Or perhaps....I didn't like that line of thinking but it slithered recklessly in my brain. Could it be? Could it be that she wasn't really being honest, she wasn't really who she was claiming to be. She wasn't really my daughter? Was it possible?  

Riana had still not explained what it is she expected me to do or why she had to come back in here. It had to do with Oriana, I knew that and that scared me. We need to save mother. That's all she had said and then not much. The timing isn't right, we have to wait, dad.  And, no pestering on my side could unzip her lips. Was Oriana in danger? What kind of danger?  And how come Riana was able to stay in here? Sleep always took Oriana back in time, once she had Tannon inject her with caffeine when we had ended up in the future. But not Riana. She could sleep and still stay with us. How come?  Was she more powerful than her mother? I wasn't going there. 

Unfortunately, my dear brother in law was taking all my spare time to find out more about anything. First, it was saving his Kingdom, and now this. I was asked to go to Hell, say hi to a sleeping Lucifer, make sure he was not cooking some more shadows in the pot, ready to be released on Earth. Not my favorite pastime, to be honest. I wanted to say, "you go to Hell," and quite literally, too but there was Oriana and if anything happened to Samuel again,  well...she'd be devastated. And then there was Riana. What would happen to the baby, what if she lost her because of grief over her brother? If Oriana's pregnancy ended prematurely, Riana would be gone, too. No, I had to do it. There was no choice. None at all.

"What's going on?" Oriana asked. "Where are you going? Is this about Samuel? Is he okay? You said he was fine," she pushed my hand away, getting agitated. Pregnancy had made her more emotional. She wasn't the acceptant time, she would ask a million questions and then she would tail along. I couldn't have that. 

"He is okay, nothing to worry about. I got some clues on where mom could be. I'm following that trail." Mom had disappeared in Hell as it exploded. 

"What?"  she exclaimed.

"Yes, I think she is on Earth, and I suspect she doesn't remember who she is."

"How do you know this?"

Lies were coming easy, rolling like a pro skater on my slippery tongue. "I saw her in my dream. Have been seeing her for some time now." I could reach people through my dreams and that talent was now coming in handy. The part where I saw her in my dream was the truth. It was the guilt which brought her to me every day, I relived the moment where her hand slipped beneath mine, the moment where she was no longer with me and fetching her would mean dooming Oriana to that room. That room where there was no escape. The prison in nothingness. I'd made the choice, I'd let mother go and I had to live with it. Every day. 

"I think I know where she is. I'll just check it out, that's it. I'll be back as soon as I can." Regret formed a thick garb over my heart, little needles of pain stabbed my conscience.  Ever since I had my heart back from Lucifer, I was finding out that to have it was a blessing and a curse. It was the most vulnerable part of one's body and soul and yet it was also its strength. The love I had for Oriana, the love I had for my child was amazing but the heart also couldn't block out the agony. It had no insulation. 

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