Faded Light

187 21 11

Upon his arrival, he removed his hat. Careful not to disturb it any further as he began to remove the excess dust from it.

Once satisfied, he sighed and went to his room to pull out a few pieces of paper. One, he put on the front door and the other, he placed on the back of his room door.

The minutes seemed to pass by like hours as his mind began fading away until..

The grin slowly crept it's way onto his slightly sluggish face, listening carefully to the footsteps coming up the stairs..

She came..

With every step seeming to occur every minute, the door soon creaked open.

She's here..

With a close of the door, she sighed. Pressing her back against it and allowing the paper to crush. And although she knew she'd heard it, she bothered not to look because of the dimness that blocked any sort of attempt to read.

"I knew you'd find it sooner or later.." she scowled at his remark. "Women who tend to work in your field can always smell the money.."

"Excuse me?" She shouted.

"Unfortunately, the women in your field also always find themselves in a world of trouble.." his eyes beginning to deceive him, the world began to become a blur. Agitated, she sighed and crossed her arms.

"Listen, do you want me or not? Because I don't have to fuck you."

He pulled her by the shirt very close to him and looked dead into her eyes with a burning fury.

"Excuse me? I'm the one who's doing the fucking. You're just my use of a hole for one night."

Before the anger could bring a reaction, he began to roughly kiss her body - putting her into a trance. Soon throwing her onto the bed as his world began to spin slowly. With the darkness rolling in, he collapsed beside her in that instant.

"What the hell?"
"Just stay until morning. I know you have nowhere else to go." He mumbled.
"How the hell do you know all this?" With no response, she found in her attempts to wake him that he was gone. His soft snores proceeding against her neck, causing shivers to arise from the situation.

Not wanting this bothersome feeling any longer, she shoved his body away from her and turned over with a huff.

Damn bastard. How could he possibly think of me in such ways? Ugh! He's such an asshole! And why does he want me to stay here with him? He's a grown ass man! He can handle himself.. She thought with a huff. And why does he know so much about me? Oh wait.. Maybe it's..


With the light coming to kiss his eyes, he obeyed the call to open them. And with that, followed a smile.

The paper was gone..

He turned over..

And so was she.

Satisfied with what had happened, he gathered his things in his room in order to make way for this next night.

She'll be back..


When the darkness came to overthrow the light, he went to his room to take out another slip of paper.

Writing the same words as he had done the previous night.

And then the same on the second sheet.

Placing them in the same exact places, he waited and waited again until there was no time left before his body shut down.

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