Dim Light

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His eyes never slept. The mattress that often gave his body a temporary comfort was no longer working. Watching the darkness turn into daylight was a torture turned into pleasure upon hearing the familiar footsteps coming towards the bedroom door.

The door creaking open, her frame a dark outline.

Though he paid no mind to her as she slowly approached the bed, he found himself lying next to the bleeding girl.

The darkness turned to daylight as the world bid his curtains 'hello'. Taking one last look at her, his arm slipped from beneath her, allowing his feet to take the lead and escort him down the stairs. Taking a seat by the window, he grew a faint, bittersweet smile remembering the days of his college life.

His final days of peace..


Memories of the bittersweet days flooded his mind as she came into view.

Her laugh,

Her smile..

The first time he had seen it, he knew that she was destined for him.

"Who are you staring at?" Taehyung teased. Shaking his head with a roll of his eyes, he ignored Taehyung completely. "Come on, man! Who is it?"
"As if I would know."

"What do you mean?"
"How could I know someone whom I've just spotted from across the way?"
"Just point to her. I'll tell you who she is."
"I don't wanna know." slinging the bookbag over his shoulder, he trudged towards his next class. With Taehyung on his back, he tried his hardest not to give away the answer to the pestering question Taehyung had with his eyes.


The light pitter-patter of feet did not alarm him, as he had expected her to come down sometime soon.

"Where am I?"
"Someplace safe."
"Who are you? Why are you protecting me?" he blinked once before grinning slightly in her direction.
"How did you come to the conclusion that I am protecting you? I could be keeping you hostage here and trying to kill you." Silence followed as he took another smoke. "You wouldn't know the difference." He grinned to himself.
"Who are you?" He paused with a sigh.
"You don't know me, but you're going to.. Even though I know that even after I tell you about me, you will forget all about who I am." he stood and began to walk out, pausing for a moment at her side. "But that's okay.. Because I'll remember you."

After a moment of pause, she followed his tracks to the open door which lead to the backyard outside. Silence was the starter of conversation until the flicker of a familiar friend was lit in the hands of the man who wanted nothing more than a quick death.

"So I do know you? Is that what you're saying?"

"I envy you." he started as he stared intensely at her. Taking a puff of the old friend in hand, he soon casted his gaze ahead. "I've always wanted to forget things like you. You're fortunate to not even remember yourself, but I do." Another puff followed. "The good, bad.. Things you never wanted to witness.. Things you should never forget but they cause you lifelong torment.." Another puff follows. "Those are the things I envy you for. I'd rather not remember who I am than remember every living soul that hates me." his gaze returned to her. "But you wouldn't know about that.. Would you?" his eyes returning back to the urban scene in front of him. "After all, you can't even recall who I am."

"Then tell me, then. Who are you?"

"Hm." he grinned as he took another long puff of smoke. Then another. And another.. Letting it out slowly. "If you knew who I was, you too, would hate me."

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