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That night, the night was full of breeze. His emotional intelligence shattered as he took each step forward. Regretting it all.

Regretting everything..

With a mind such as his still could not block out the powers of a negative mind.

The memories of Taehyung changing into V since the beginning replayed just as clearly in his mind as they had happened. He couldn't stop himself from remembering or feeling all of the anger, pain and anguish that came with it. Yet, somehow, he remained composed all the way up until he first set foot into his room.

It was there that the door had slammed upon which he sled down thereafter.
It was there that the dried paint left evidence that it had not all completely dried.
And it was there that the fellow neighbors complained so loud about his sobbing that there was soon a knock upon the door..

That very same door that was slammed from before. The very same door that beheld the evidence that he had been with a gang that could just as soon rip away his dreams as well as his life.

At first, he could not hear the banging and the voices over his own. But soon, upon the third knock, there remained and instantaneous silence.

No memories..

No thoughts..

Just silence..


He didn't move. The day whisped by just as it had seemed that the night had just gotten finished with eating him alive.

Rotating onto his side, he sighed with legs close to his chest.

I've gotta get out..

Weighing out his options, he saw fit that there was no solution that would be beneficial.

If I just left, I would get killed..

If I asked for help from the authorities, that would only jeopardize my chance at becoming a police officer..

I really can't win, can I?

Sighing, his body pulled itself up off the ground and walked towards the mirror.

Moments flew by before he spoke against the silence and torment.

"Who are you?"

Are you a torment to your own kind?
Or a torment to yourself?

The reflection of that person in those grey areas drove him mad. Insane.. Constantly reaching out to the other side - fully aware that he'd never be able to reach back - he hoped to find revelation of the answer he was looking for. Yet, in the end, it all boiled down to just one question..

How much do you value your life?


"And no matter how many times I pressed my hand against that mirror..

I just couldn't see myself alive.." His intense gaze bled through hers. Silence spoke for them - holding a conversation of its' own - up until his lips parted once more. "The image just blurred and I could no longer see myself.."
"You see yourself now, don't you?"

His cold, lean eyes immediately found their way to hers once more with that dark, intense look.

The silence danced within the air.

Her body uncomfortably shifted inward to a position that he had read as feeling inferior.

With a small grin, he responded with a shake of the head that was quite as small. "No." Leaning forward towards her, he continued. "I never have.."

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