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Daylight was just beginning to touch the corners of his world when he had gone to bed. A deep sigh of relief followed. A pleasure he could only indulge in temporarily became an obsession of his permanently.

Staring over at the bottle of pills he had laying there at his bedside, he contemplated death. And for the first time in a long time, he found he wanted to live - for the time being.


The bell rang through the halls of the statuesque building. It was time for the first Exam. All students were already seated. The halls were void of any forms of life besides the still.

Today was test day.

"Students. Please take out a few pencils, pre-sharpened, an eraser and scrap paper. For you will not be permitted to get up, go into your desks, backpacks or ect. if you should need any of these things." The Professor's eyes became stiff. "So I suggest you do so now."

Within a few minutes, the test began.

After all exams were over with, the dreaded waiting process began. Although he already knew what he got, he still dreaded to see his name up on the scoreboard when they were posted.

Taehyung began to change after the first exam. The first impression that he gave off as being a quite studious perfectionist with a bubbly personality slowly morphed into this unrecognizable street boy and his crowd became more and more noticeably toxic.

First, he began to dismiss the dress code by wearing dark eyeliner and grew his hair out, decorating it with headbands and earrings. Then he moved on to dismissing the dress code altogether with what he wore everyday.

And every time that something on the outside of him changed, so did his personality. Taehyung, the studious bubbly perfectionist, soon became V, the dark, silent rebellious soul of the room.

"Hey man." He greeted him. "Wanna hang out after school?"
"We have a test tomorrow.".
"So what? It's not like they care or anything."
"I do."
"Ah. Don't be such a worry-wart. Come loosen up with me for a bit. I promise that I'll get you back in time to study." He sighed in response. "Please?"
"Awesome. I'll tell the guys to prepare well for tonight." he smiled. "See you there." This was the first time in a long time he had seen him smile. Although the smile seemed genuine, it still had a hint of depression carved into it. As if Taehyung was still in there; desperately crying out for help.

That night after school, he and V hopped in his car, driving away to the meeting place. When the car came to a stop, V looked over at him with a serious look. "Are you ready?"
"Have I any other choice?" He smiled again.
"Okay, let's go."

Hopping out the car, they were lead through a building with many twists and turns which eventually lead them to a dusty, cold quiet room where four souls sat around a fire.

"Ah. You must be the new member V was just telling us about." The blonde haired guy smiled. His smile was also covered in some other dark nature. "Come. Have a seat. My name can only be told to you if I can trust you. Otherwise, the two of you will be penalized. So tell me, newcomer; Can I trust you?"

"Depends on the situation." He immediately felt a nudge on his right arm.
"Why would you say that?!" V silently panicked.
"It's alright, V. I like his honesty. My name's Namjoon, by the way. Do you smoke?"
"Well you better start. Otherwise, we'll just have to let you suffer from second-hand smoke. So, either way, you're gonna smoke." Namjoon said, holding out a cigarette.
"I don't smoke."
"Alright, Burger King. Have it your way. But the door is always still open." He said, returning the cigarette to his pocket. "Come sit down."
"I'm fine."
"That wasn't an option." He stated, cocking his eyebrow.

"I agree." He said, returning the gaze. In disbelief of what was going on, Namjoon's laugh began to fill the room.
"You don't trust me, do you?"
"You don't exactly appear to be the legally sympathetic type."
"Hm." He began, taking a puff of smoke. "Jungkook! Stand up." Namjoon brought the boy forth to him. "How about him? Does he look trustworthy?"

The boy's innocent eyes paired with his small frame caused him to roll his eyes away in a malicious manner causing Namjoon to smile. "Good. From now on, you two shall be friends. In school, he will be known as Jungkook to you. But beyond closed doors, his name is Kookie. Why Kookie? Because he's new. So he's sweet and soft like a real cookie. He'll earn his nickname soon like Taehyung over there."

Walking back over to his seat, Namjoon grinned. "You know why his name is V? Because he can be Visible in any platform and Vanish before the eyes. Did he not change in front of you?"


I have to tell her..

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