Curiously Furious

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Stumbling down the stairs, the weight of his body seemed ten times the amount as usually as a result of his failed drugged attempt. He could just barely comprehend his surroundings, but somehow made it to the door. Without a word, his disappointed expression was greeted by an equally terrified one.

"What the fuck, man? What happened to you?"
"Why are you here?"
"I came to check on you a-."
"I'm fine. Goodbye." He said, attempting to slam the door on him, but ended up throwing himself off balance instead. Hitting the floor, everything began to fade in and out as he just barely witnessed Jungkook running toward and hovering over him.

"Oh my.....n! What!?"
"No.. No hos..pitlem.. Nah.." He breathily murmured before everything faded to black.


Daybreak came with, still, no rest. He had made sure to spend as much time as need to fully understand the material. Though memorization was no problem, it took a lot to prove that his grades did not just stem from a remarkable memory.

Grabbing his things, he stumbled out the door, rubbing his eyes and silently cursing the sun for being so bright. It wasn't long before his feet caused him to stumble into the one he didn't want to see..

"Watch where you're going you cheating prick!" He spat, shoving him, causing him to lose balance and hit the ground. By there, he knew that something was wrong. "Pitiful. You must be hungover or drunk. Though, funny.. You don't seem to smell like it.."

"I'm not drunk or hungover. I'm just tired."
"I don't care. Just be sure to watch yourself you drunken cheating prick."
"Fuck off.." He breathed in frustration.
"Excuse you?"
"You heard me. You know what, you say all this shit with the accusations and other bullshit like that, but you never bother to look for the truth in the situation. It's even funnier how we're in the same psychology class and yet you still don't bother to try and understand me."
"What the hell does Psychology have to do with anything?"
"Chapter 4, lesson five, section 2 on page 455. If you read it, then you'd know." He said, standing to his feet. "Now, if you'll excuse me.." He gave Jimin a tired, agitated glance as he began to walk past him.

Meanwhile, Jimin couldn't stop thinking about the passage numbers he had given him and wrote it down just in case. In his mind, this was going to be his chance to challenge the seemingly obvious 'cheating prick'. "We'll see, smartass. And this better be worth my time.."


The day easily flew by and he could barely wait to collapse on his bed. Though there still proved to be one more class left.

"Each and every one of you will do this course on a timed scale. If one of you should break the record time today, your name will replace the plaque that sits over there on the wall for all the people who have broken the set record, vertically in chronological order. So, on that note, you two, go." He demanded, blowing the whistle.

"Yo, dude. What's up with you? Why do you look like your soul left you?" Immediately, his eyes met his, grimacing. To him, it should've been painfully obvious as to why he was so bland toward Taehyung. Though, despite his obvious exhaustion, every single sign as to what pointed to 'why' flew right over Taehyung's head. "What?" Shaking his head, he ignored him for the rest of the class.


Day blew into night as he slumped to his dorm, fighting sleep. He desperately wanted to stay up until the appropriate time, but upon seeing the bed,  his body seemed to almost instantly shut down.


Night rolled into day and he seemed much more refreshed than the previous day. Though, his anger toward Taehyung remained the same.

"Hey!" He stopped in his tracks with a sigh. "I read the chapter."
"Good for you." he took a step forward just to be pulled back.
"Hold your horses, asshole. I'm not done talking to you yet." he rolled his eyes. "Just what does this section of different brain disorders have to do with you being a cheater?"
"If I am a cheater, I was born with a built-in camera." Walking away, this left Jimin confused.
"This is not funny! Explain yourself!"
"I just did."
"Don't mock me you dunce! What the fuck is wrong with you?"

Those words were just as vicious as one could imagine a bullet. Although it hurt to hear those words again, he ignored the pain and remained silent for the rest of the day.


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