Ch. 12: A Deal

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Days had passed along and (Y/n) was regaining her strength. She was able to move about on her own, but the boys kept her in Anti's room to be sure that she was okay. Sending her back was generally not an option right now. She'd become sick and end up right back in his bed.

(Y/n) was surprised at the kindness they were offering her. Not something they'd admit right away but she felt a bond forming with them.

Anti walked into his room with her daily lunch of sandwich and soup only to see her sitting on the window sill reading a book.

"No, no no no. Get up. Come on."


"Read in the window when yer not locked up in a castle full of demons, come on. Someone could see you."

She rolled her eyes and stood up, moving back into bed. "I'm an adult and I'm having a demon telling me what to do."

"A demon that could whoop yer ass."

"I'd like to see you try." She shot. 

"You must be feeling better yer attitude came back."

"What are you going to do, send me back into those cells to get sick again?"

He gently placed the plate on her lap. "As if, the last thing I need is you in my bed any longer."

"So then what are you guys going to do?"

"I don't know!"

"Jeeze, you don't need to raise your voice.."

"It's not good. It's just not. Dark's gonna want to talk to you."

"He wants to talk to me? What the hell is there to talk about? I'm a prisoner. I have nothing to offer but my life and you already said he won't kill me."

"I don't know. He's weird. Crazy even."

"Well, what if you bring me to him? That way he never knew I left the cells."

"That would—," Anti paused, stroking his chin. "—actually, that may work. Huh, yer not so dumb after all."

"Well, we better send her to him shortly," Die spoke as he entered the room holding his arm.

A small gash stretching a few inches long spread across his cheek. Dark blood, almost black, lightly dripped out of it.

Anti whistled, "What the hell happened to you?"

"Dark, is what happened."

(Y/n) looked over to see his arm was in pain as well. "What's wrong with your arm?"

He turned slightly to show three large gashes across the back of his shoulder.

She gasped upon seeing it, pushing herself out of bed to get a closer look.

"What the hell did you do to make him THAT angry?" Anti moved closer as well.

"He shot the messenger is what he did. He also didn't like my advice."

"Anti," (Y/n) looked up at him. "Do you have a sewing kit by chance? Or do one of the maids have one?"

"I'm fine, really." Die protested.

"Yeah, they should have something, I'll be right back." He blurred away.

"You don't have to do anything, I'll heal quickly."

"First glance of your injury says otherwise. He seemed to inflict it with his bare hands which means it'll take longer, all because he's a demon."

"How did you know that?" Die wrinkled his brow.

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