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I looked up from the book I was reading, and looked down the row of seats in the train car, at the little girl who was staring at me.

When I smiled she smiled back and went back to playing with her doll, so I looked back down at my book.

Eventually I looked at the clock on the wall above the door and saw it was almost noon.

My partner, John, was also down the row, and was staring at me as well.

"No. Not this one-NEXT ONE", I mouthed to him and he nodded then got up and walked through the door.

I sighed and closed my book watching the desert as we sped by it all towards town.

Just then, one of the waiters on the train passed by with a cart that had flowers on it-which caught the attention of the little girl.

"Mommy!!", she gasped to her mom."Did you see the flowers? Can I have one?"

"No sweetheart-now behave", her mother basically gritted back.

What an uptight bi-

A gunshot went off and through the window of one door, straight through to the other making everyone duck and scream.

I looked up again and looked around then glared at the door.

"Johnn", I gritted in the back of my throat as I got up and walked down the aisle to the door.

There was another tray with the same flowers on it beside me, so I grabbed my pocket knife out of my boot, flipped it open and cut one off then gave it to the little girl.

Her smile immediately her smile lit up again and I winked at her before opening the door and disappearing into the other cart.

More specifically-to go find and beat my rookie partners ass.

I swerved around officials as they walked up and down the carts looking for whoever did this.

"Ma'am, you can't go back th-Ma'am!! Hey!!", another guy said as he came up and grabbed my arm, but I shoved him off, punched him, kneed his stomach then grabbed his gun and shot him.

He fell down as I opened the door, then jumped over the part where the cart join up, then kicked the door in and fired my gun at one of the guys already grabbing a hold of John.

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