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We ran outside town limits, for about 20 minutes through brush and fields of wheat and random plants before we stopped. 

"Where to Doc?", Billy asked.

"Albuquerque-let's go!", he yelled, then took off on his horse.

I kicked Cheveyo's side and he picked up speed again as we hauled ass North.


Several hours later, we rode up into the town of Albuquerque.

And the first thing we did?

We hit the bar.

I walked in after Billy with the boys then we sat at the bar.

"Hey! No ladies allowed in here! Get out-little girl!", the bartender said and the guys in there laughed.

"Oh bite me asshole, and serve me a fuckin drink", I growled and threw 10 bucks on the table.

All of which, I took off Brady and his boys before we left.

He looked from the money to me and I gave him a sarcastic smile.

"Mmm. Yeah. "Little girl" got money huh?", I nodded then glared."Get me and my two friends two rounds, please."

"Yes ma'am", he said quickly then snatched the money off the counter and went to go fill our glasses.

"Your afraid of no one, I swear", Billy laughed and shook his head then I shrugged.

The guy came back with our shots and served em all to us, so I grabbed one of them and downed it.

"Bottoms up", Billy sighed.

We clinked our glasses together then linked arms and tipped our glasses back.

When we were done, we set them down on the counter, and I was already feeling myself get a buzz when a guy walked up to Billy and I.

"Excuse me? Are you Billy the kid?", he asked and it got real quiet in there.

"Yeah, I am", Billy nodded.

"James Richardson", the guy said as they shook hands then he saw me."And this must be the infamous Izabelle Dixon."

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