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We hauled ass away from the 15+ deputy after us as we left town for the mountains. Everything I passed sounded like I was racing by, and a whoosh followed it.  In the moments, I was'nt laughing at them over my shoulder because they could'nt catch up, I found myself zoning out and staring up at the sky.

During a time, I snapped into action and started thinking, looking towards the horizon-, then looked back at them again. Turning back, I swallowed before yelling over the sound of hooves to my horse to speed up, catching up with Billy and Doc in front.

"HOLD THIS!!", I yelled catching the attention of Doc.

I took my jacket and hat off, let my hair go in the wind behind me, and picked up the end of my shirt, wiping the ash off.

"ALRIGHT!! YOU SEE THAT LEDGE!?", I yelled grabbed the reins again.

"WHAT ABOUT IT!?", he yelled back.

"GO DOWN IT AND INTO THE CREEK!!", I called, then snapped my reins."I'll meet you on the other side...It'll throw em off!!"

My horse kicked up and floated in first place in front of the others as i took off, ignoring Billy and Doc's attempts to get me back.

"JUST GO!!", I yelled over my shoulder again.

When I was far enough ahead, my horse stamped his front hooves into the ground to stop. We turned around, and i saw the boys coming. They went right, racing passed me in more whooshes as they went and disappeared down into the brush.

I swallowed hard and turned my horse back to the calvary, prancing and rearing up.

Once they were close enough, I reared him up and screamed, whistled, everything to get their attention-the boys were already long gone.

As planned, they got confused when they saw a almost Native looking girl on the back of one of the horses the saw a man on.;)

We hit the ground again, my horse, stamping his hooves into the ground in challenge, then we turned and took off across the plain and to the ledge.

Once I got there, I smirked, rearing up again to tease them before we jumped down into the ditch and went left on the trail.

They followed me, through all the twisting turns and into the mesquite. I came up from the bank, looking where to go, then I turned him to the right and took off towards a breaking rock ridge over the river.

When we jumped and touched down, then rock creaked and most of the men did'nt make it, falling into the water below. 

I turned him right and we followed along the narrow rock trail their was left, 6 more on our ass.

Rocks and pieces of it where breaking off as we ran by. The trail went down into more mesquite , my horse almost not making it down the slippery rocks and dirt.

He huffed and I looked around frantically for a way out. For the ledge.

Standing up, I looked above the bushes and found it.

"Yes!", I breathed out, then kicked his side.

He took off in that direction right as they came over the bank. I looked at them over my shoulder, then kicked my horses side and he sped up.

I was about to ask a lot of my horse in a second, and I did'nt know how it would end. I knew about the ledge, the boys did'nt.

Grabbing my reins, my knuckles turned white as I braced myself. My horse, glided over the side, down into the 7 ft+ deep raveen. When he hit the ground, he landed perfectly thank God. With me however, it was such a force, it knocked me off and directly onto my back-knocking all wind out of me.

I could'nt move for a second and I even tasted blood. Letting out pained groan, I made myself turn over and sit up a little. The sound of 6 sets of hooves coming after us made me froze.

 My horse came back around at the right second, then bit the shoulder of my shirt, dragging me under him but under the ledge too-right as they all dropped down and rode off to get lost.

He just saved my life.

Staring at them, I panted and cringed at my back and side. Once they were gone, I grabbed the wall behind me and helped myself stand up.

"Good boy", I almost cried as i pet him, and he nudged my chest with his muzzle.

I walked him out from under the ledge then got on and hissed in pain, holding pressure to my side as i looked around.

All hoof prints went to the left, so I turned right and took off for the mountains.

After I cleared the mesquite field, I went up and over a smaller hill/mountain then stood up top. 

As expected, there were the boys on time running through the creek.  The deputy and sheriffs, were just a few yards away, stuck in another mesquite field confused and lost. I smirked to myself then my horse reared up as we made our way down the mountain to catch up with the boys.

They continued running through the creek, so I followed the trail through a piece of mesquite field, running into the creek behind them.

I whistled and caught up to them as they turned around and Billy almost lost his shit.

We continued on the creek as a trail, all the way to the other side of the mountain until we lost all sight of them.

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