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I opened my eyes under my hat I put over my face, then grabbed it and sat up and looked around.

Natives everywhere.

So many people.

My people.

I stared back at them as they stared at me and I recognized all of them.

When I walked around a tepee, I came face to face with two people I remember a lot.

Their they stood together, in the same thing they wore when they died.

"Mother?", I whispered."Father?"

They did'nt say anything they just stood there and smiled back at me.

Then as quick as they came, the wind blew, and literally blew them away inch by inch until they were gone.

Like they were never there.

Like I was seeing things.

I swallowed hard and turned Cheveyo's reins to the side before clicking my tongue and we continued walking.

As we walked, I stared at the back of my horse's neck, slowly zoning out, only to hear horrified screams of my people being killed and children crying filling my mind.

My eyes snapped back open and a few tears fell, so I wiped them away quickly before any of them could notice.

"Hey Chavez, how come they ain't killin us?", Charlie slurred.

"Were in the Spirit World asshole-they can't see us!!", Steve laughed back.

I was up near the front, so I turned around to the middle and see Billy's still sittin backwards, wavin at everyone he saw.

Eventually, we made it out of this village, and followed the path we had taken through it because Chavez said it was a sign.

Yeah, your damn right it was.

We kept following this traill until we found an abandoned house, with a few chickens runnin around outside still.

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