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We all walked along silently together on the trail to our next stop.

A jolt of pain raced up my side, catching me my surprise and I hissed in pain then sat up.

"Ella", someone called and I stopped my horse, closing my eyes and sighing then gritting in pain again."Ella."

"What?", I growled annoyed."I'm fine Billy."

"No, your not "fine"-you've been saying your fine for the past 20 miles", he said as he came up and stopped beside me, grabbing something out of hit bag."Lift up your shirt."

I sighed but leaned back and lifted it up a little.

He popped a cork open then poured some whiskey over it before handing it to me and I took a sip before handing it back.

"There-that should do ya until we get to town", he said before taking a sip and putting it back away.

"Thanks", I sighed.

"That took guts Ell", he nodded."I gotta say I'm impressed."

"Glad to entertain", I smiled and rolled my eyes then he laughed.

He gave me a tired smile then nodded his head for me to follow him.

So I did, and we all turned off the trail, down in a little part that had bushes all around and blocked the wind.

Cheveyo stood beside Billy's horse and shifted his feet as I looked all around.

Mountains where everywhere, and I tried my best to see town but could'nt.

"Where to Doc?", Billy asked.

"I gotta write to Richard's mom in Vermont...maybe, get a few new wraps for this", Doc said.

"Alright just don't go near Lincoln", Billy nodded then Doc nodded back.

Billy then looked over at me and sighed.

"Ella, why don't you go with him? Get checked at", Billy nodded and I nodded back.

Ella (YG)Where stories live. Discover now