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Riding in a line, we rode for hours away from the town-before we even considered stopping to make our next move.  But when we did, we just exchanged looks, unaware of what to say exactly.

We sat in a triangle then I put my feet in the stirrups before standing up and leaning over Billy to see the gunshot above his heart. 

His body shook when he scoffed a laugh at me as I put my hand under his shirt to feel his heart, then felt his pulse by his thumb. Every second I heard and felt his heart beat, I thanked God.

 Or whoever just got me through all of that bullshit.

"I'm not dyin El", he turned his head.

"That's what they all say", I muttered then looked at his wound.

Just above his heart to the left, and that's not counting all the others.

I clicked my tongue then my horse walked forward where Chavez let his grip on the reins loose as he walked over. He stopped, then I got off and cringed when pain reared up everywhere. 

When I sat up, I then looked at my friends, and we all shared the same heartbroken, lost look. 


There was nothing around us for a few miles, but tall mountains that the sun setting behind us cast shadows us on.  And nothing but weeds and wheat for fields.

I felt broken again. I could feel the loses setting in, and it was starting to take a toll on my body.

My mind.

Sitting up, I rubbed my neck in pain, then looked up and locked eyes with Chavez-in time to see him nod one more time while walking by, as it would be the last time I saw him.

I stopped, narrowing my eyebrows and blinked a couple times, but nodded back and watched him. He smiled for once then stopped and his gaze shifted from me to Billy.

Billy gave off that stare and Chavez did the same until he held his hand out to Billy. Billy then smirked and slapped his hand to his, shaking it and nodding to him. Then they let go, and Chavez turned his horse, walking off towards the mountains.

I watched him go for a while and he  never looked back once.

It was about several months later, I would get something from Chavez about him being in California, where he changed his name  and that he was happy workin on a fruit farm.

Just another piece of what family puzzle we have left getting lost.

Doc and Yen walked around in front of us and Doc sighed before doing the same thing to us.  After we all shook hands, I smiled goodbye to Yen and she did the same.

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