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When it came to dinner time, I helped cook and set the table.

We were having meatloaf and mashed potatoes and I could not be anymore happy right now.

Nobody said a damn thing as we all basically inhaled our food.

"Well now, look at those appetites", John said before he went back to eating.

I was sitting at the end of the table, John was at the opposite end, Billy, Doc, and Dick sat next to me on my left and Chavez, Steve and Charlie sat to my right.

I was almost done with my food and planned on just going back to my cabin and crashing.

I did'nt give myself that much so the guys could have more but I did'nt need much really.

"William? Izabelle? Have some more", John nodded to us.

Billy and I looked at each other then shrugged and added a little more to our plate.

"You ever work with beef before Billy?", Richard, Dick, asked.

"Yeah...I worked out a little Fort Sumner way", Billy answered."Pete Maxwell's place. Did the chow line. But I got a way with cattle."

I raised my eyebrows to myself and nodded as I got another spoonful of food and ate.

Down the table, Steve and Charlie being the dumbasses they are, start laughing to themselves about God knows what this time.

"What's so jolly funny, Master Steven? That's no proper table manners", John said.

I smirked to myself as I continued eating because- BUSTED.

"Got a way with hogs too", Steve snickered about earlier and they busted out laughing again.

I rolled my eyes and got another bite of food.

Chavez said nothing as usual just kinda glared at them.

"Congratulations Charles, you and Steven will be doing the dirty crockery alone evening", John growled to them.

"Sorry John. It struck me funny", Charles still smiled like a dumbass.

"And to William", John nodded."Both of you."

"Apologies William-were just hackin on ya, that's all", Charlie said.

"Yeah, we's just hackin on ya", Steve added.

"Rumor has it you've killed a man Billy", Richard asked and Billy became all tense with his eyes not leaving the table.

"You don't look like the killin sort", he added.

"Yeah Billy, whatchu kill him for?", Steve leaned forward.

I looked up at Billy then he turned to them, locked eyes, and deadpanned it.

"Cause he was hackin on me", he said in total seriousness, but even I could see through it and cracked a smile as I continued eating.


A little while later, we all sat around in the living room, taking turns reading off a paper.

I sat at the back of the room as usual, with my back to the wall, and Billy was sitting a couple feet away from me doing the same thing.

Steve was reading a word over and over 10,000 times and if he does it again I swear I'm gunna say what it is.

"There are plenty of men...who will never secede-"

"Succeed", John corrected him.

"Who will never succeed anywhere", Steve finished.

"Got a whole roomful of em right here", Richard muttered and Doc laughed.

I laughed to myself and pulled my jacket closer to me.

"Well done", John said."...William."

I looked over at Billy as he looked up and Steve handed him the paper.

Billy just took one look at it and scoffed."Yeah, right."

I got up and walked into the kitchen to get some water then leaned on the counter while I drank it.

"Well excuse me Billy, I'm sorry to offend you, but we have congregated here to learn, read and write.You need more skills than using a firearm in the new world. So pick up the journal and pick up where the other boy left off, or you can go back to your home on the streets", John deadpanned.

I raised my eyebrows then set my glass in the sink as I walked back into the room and sat beside Billy.

Billy eventually gave in and took it from Steve.

'young men who don't know how to do any kind of business, and have no energy or application, had better stay at home near their relatives so they can be taken care of ", Billy just suddenly said and looked up at us for a split second before looking back down again.

I was sorta shocked honestly.

I knew Billy wasn't dumb, but I didn't know he was that smart either.

I sat up and leaned over Billy's shoulder then looked over the page.

"They are not wanted here and will only come to grief, but men on enterprise are practically sure of success", I said, reading the last part.

"Splendid", John smiled to himself as he got up."Goodnight gentleman-Izabelle."

"Goodnight Mr. Tunstall", we all chorused back.

I got up and put my shoes back on then opened the door and walked out back to my cabin.

Once I got in, I closed the door and took off my shoes then threw another log in the fire and laid down.

Then before I knew it, I was out.

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