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I put my gun away and looked around as we rode away.

"You alright?", the guy said as he put his gun away too.

"Yeah", I nodded and wiped my hands on my pants.

That guy with blonde hair turned around to us and held his hand out to me.

"Doc", he said.

"Izabelle", I nodded back then turned to the other guy in the back with me."Hi."

"Hi", he said and just stared so I laughed and he blinked a few times before extending his arm."Hi, William Bonney-you can call me Billy though."

"Izabelle Dixon-just call me Ella", I said.

"Ella...ok", he nodded then smiled a little.

"How old are you Ella?", the british guy said.

"18", I answered and looked at the guy.

"Me too", he added.

"My name is John Tunstall", the other guy said.

We rode for another 30 minutes before we turned a corner and up to a couple cabins and a whole farm basically.

Out in the yard, there were two guys getting ready to fight and another was on his horse trying to break it up.

"Who are them?", Billy said.

"They' William, who are they", John corrected Billy."They are the boys of dregs...the flotsam and jetsam of frontier society if you will."

We rode past the group of other guys and I nodded to them while they stared back.

"There's a bunk house for each of you, and if you don't want to stay, the Sante Fe runs out of Albuquerque in the morning", John said.

A warm bed to myself?


Uhhh, yes I think I'll take it.

Did'nt know about Billy, but I would.

The wagon came to a stop after that and before I could even get off, Billy jumped down and held his hand out to help me down.

"Thank you", I nodded to him and took it, walking down then I jumped off.

To this he just tipped his hat and went to talk to John as I watched Doc walk over to the other group of guys.

They all looked anywhere from 19-27 and were all staring at me and mumbling.

I glared at one of them, then turned and looked around as they continued shit talking about the new arrivals.

"Well, if you two do wish to stay, I have the job for each of you", John said.

"Alright, good deal", I nodded then started walking backwards."Lemme go relax for a few and I'll come check in with you."

After that, I turned around and walked into one of the cabins.

It was like walking into an oven-which I was grateful for because we were at the height of winter.

There was a nice comfy looking bed in the corner with a thousand blankets and a nightstand beside it.

I walked over  to the bed then sat down and took my shoes off before laying back on the bed and sighing.

It was just as comfy as I had hoped and I did'nt wanna get up, but I knew I had to eventually.

Ella (YG)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz