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"Your kidding, right?" , I nodded as I leaned on my hand, staring annoyed at Charlie as the others rode up and tied their horses off.

At the moment, I was sitting in front of a bar which is "known for whores" according to Billy. This is what I do with my time.

I shook my head at him then reached down into my saddle bag, grabbed the bottle, opened it and took a couple sips before we went in there.

"Damn Charles, this is your last wish? Get your little carrot wet?", Steve taunted."Coulda done that back in Juarez."

I choked on a big gulp of whiskey from laughing and started coughing, then Billy rode up and patted my back a few times.

I finally stopped then leaned my hand on my thigh and sighed.

"Some kinda special woman apparently, right Billy?", I rolled my eyes and looked over at him.
He just put his hand on his thigh then leaned on it and scoffed at me.

"Jealous?", he asked.

"Of what? A walkin bag of STD's named Mary Lou?", I shot back.

Billy started to say something back, but closed his mouth and shook his head before getting down.

I smirked and rolled my eyes again as I got down then we walked under the breezeway.

"Alright gentleman, square up and shell out for Bowdre", Billy laughed then put a bunch of money in Charlie's hand as did everyone else.

"Well be in the den...just yell if you need help", Billy said then busted out laughing as he went inside.

I rolled my eyes but threw $4 at Charlie then walked after Billy, pulling my bandana all the way down.

We walked in, and everyone looked up for a couple seconds before glaring and looking away again.

Ignoring them, I pulled a chair out with my foot then sat down and propped my feet up on another.

I looked around at the place as I dug in my shirt pocket for my cigarettes.

There wasn't more than 20 people in there, but it was clouded with smoke and the smell of liquor.

Even though it was dark, everyone in here looked like they were here for any bad reason at all.

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